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Tag: Laravel (727)

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Hi there,I have bought the theme and downloaded the Laravel_app version.But it doesn't have the Demo 35 that I wanted to use with Laravel 10.Is there any prebuilt Laravel app that is using Demo 35 which I can download?Or if you could provide me the instructions on how to convert Demo...
Hi there, I have just downloaded and setup Metronic Laravel app variant with Demo1.Followed the quick start guide for starterkit.However, there seems to be missing pages on the sidebar as compared to the preview version that had loads of pages and options to utilize. I am currently loo...
hi,we want switch from old laravel version to srarterkit, but have some issue:1 - config file of settings have conflict with other package like spatie/laravel-settings or anlutro/l4-settings, please change config name2 - can't find menu builder class. and menu hard-code in /resources/vie...
Hello, I have installed Laravel Demo 1 as i noticed the Laravel pack only has demo 1-9. But what i really want is the demo 14, can you guide me on how to go about creating the Demo 14 layout using the HTML partials from the layout builder.
I am receiving login URL not found after installation. It may be related to the error received during "npm run dev".ERROR in ./resources/assets/core/plugins/custom/typedjs/typedjs.js 3:15-47Module not found: Error: Package path ./lib/typed.js is not exported from package /var/www/html/metronic...
I just bought a license and installed the laravel one.I got all these files but i want to start from ''clean sheet'' with only the layout (side menu and navbar)Any way how i can do this instead of deleteding everything and then start building?
Hello,I have tried to logout in my laravel starterkit fresh install and can't do this action.Also tried on keenthemes demo and again this error.That button not working.Here image that indicate button not working.
I used the log/audit page example to create a new page and the datatable shows up fine, but I can not get the export buttons to show.public function html(): HtmlBuilder { return $this->builder() ->setTableId('users-table') ->columns($this->...
Hey there,I am trying to download the laravel version, but it is cancelled and does not download completely, I have tried several times without success.Any suggestions?
From where can I get the complete Laravel app with all theme component? because its annoying if I had to do all the conversion work again in the theme and there are no components available, it doesn't help much in my development process
I`ve download a laravel package containing 9 demos.I`m using demo2 and the icons and text on the top are should be White. I ran:npm run dev --demo2What am i doing wrong?
Hey,i was wondering if it is possible to include the demo3 data into my Metronic 8 Laravel theme?I tried to install it via “npm run dev —demo3” and it worked but how do I change the style to demo3 because it’s still the demo1 default css style.Greetings!
Hello, tell me how can I install the vue theme in the finished laravel project?
Hi, I was trying to use Alpine JS into my Laravel project. I declared them in resources/js/app.jsand in my webpack.mix.js file, i declard them as shown in image. Now it gives error as KTUtil is not defined after running `npm run dev` command.Link to Images:
Hi there, I am using Metronic V8.1.7 Laravel and have the application setup and running correctly. Everything is working as expected apart from bootstrap icons are not displaying. The only way I have managed to get them working is by including the src ref in the master layout file:
Hi,I'm testing Laravel starter kit v8.1.8.On Yarn cmd, I get the following warningwarning package.json: "dependencies" has dependency "axios" with range "^0.21.1" that collides with a dependency in "devDependencies" of the same name with version "^1.1.3"warning "dependencies" has depende...
i am using the latest version of metronic theme vue in laravel.Most of the things are working fine and I have even including import { initializeComponents } from "@/core/plugins/keenthemes"; in app.vuebut many components such as tab, drop down are not working.For example, if I try to...
Please find the attached screenshot