Anyone can help me to separate frontend and backend routes in Metronic laravel version?
Thanks !
I tried your version but for now not working. I will try to search for another method.
under routes/frontend create an auth.php file and add:
Route::group(["middleware" => "guest"], function () {
// Authentication
Route::get("login", [LoginController::class, "showLoginForm"])->name("login");
Route::post("login", [LoginController::class, "login"])->name("");
Route::redirect("/", "/admin/dashboard", 301)->name("redirect");
The way i manage separation for frontend and backend routes is as follows:
create a helper:
if (! function_exists("includeFilesInFolder")) {
* Loops through a folder and requires all PHP files
* Searches sub-directories as well.
* @param $folder
function includeFilesInFolder($folder)
try {
$rdi = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($folder);
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($rdi);
while ($it->valid()) {
if (! $it->isDot() && $it->isFile() && $it->isReadable() && $it->current()->getExtension() === "php") {
require $it->key();
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
if (! function_exists("includeRouteFiles")) {
* @param $folder
function includeRouteFiles($folder)
* Frontend Routes
Route::name("frontend.")->group(function () {
* Backend Routes
Route::prefix("admin")->name("admin.")->middleware("auth")->group(function () {
Route::group(["middleware" => "guest"], function () {
// Authentication
Route::get("login", [LoginController::class, "showLoginForm"])->name("login");
Route::post("login", [LoginController::class, "login"])->name("");
Route::redirect("/", "/admin/dashboard", 301)->name("redirect");
Thank you Carlos and appreciate your efforts. Hope this can help others as well
I will try this
Thank you !
You have to customize it. At the moment, Metronic does not have an example for it.
You could also split your admin routes into a separate file, and require that file in your app/routes.php file. With separate route for / and /admin.
I tried to customize it, but when i change routes files and get back to initial code:
// Route::get('/', function () {
// return redirect('index');
// });
But when i try this, authentication and menu doesn't work anymore.
I don't know how to handle this:
$menu = theme()->getMenu();
array_walk($menu, function ($val) {
if (isset($val['path'])) {
$route = Route::get($val['path'], [PagesController::class, 'index']);
// Exclude documentation from auth middleware
if (!Str::contains($val['path'], 'documentation')) {
// Custom page demo for 500 server error
if (Str::contains($val['path'], 'error-500')) {
Route::get($val['path'], function () {
abort(500, 'Something went wrong! Please try again later.');
I know how to do this with initial laravel files, but metronic was customized in another way.
Thanks !