I've downloaded the GOOD ASP.NET Core 1.1 theme and it launches but no matter which links I click the navigation is not working and stays on the dashboard (which is misspelled as dashbaord in this version). Any idea what the issues is with the navigation?
Thanks! That's what I was wondering. Just making sure it's not broken. If it's intended, then I'll be able to figure this out and add those lines that you mentioned.
Hi Polk,
We will be improving our Starterkit, we will revise the menu, and consider adding the actual page for every menu link.
Stay tuned for updates via https://twitter.com/keenthemes and https://www.instagram.com/keenthemes/
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team
Hi, thanks for your reply. I understand it's a starterkit. None of the links work for some reason, it just refreshes the main dashboard. I've checked the Blazor kit and it's working there, but not under ASP.NET Core kit...
Menu was added for a demo purpose, in Blazor Starterkit we enabled dashboard page links, while in Asp.Net Core menu all links are for demo purposes.
You can link your controller function using asp-controller and asp-action attributes as shown below:
<a asp-controller="Home" asp-action="Index">Link text</a>
Thank you for your feedback.
We will update misspelled text in the next release.
Our Asp.Net Core version is a Starterkit, which contains a fully functional layout and a few pages for start (New Password, Reset Password, Sign In, Sign Up, Default Dashboard Page, 500 error page, and 404 error page). We will be adding new pages in next releases, we have plans for User Management App, System Settings page, and Audit Log page implementation.
You can easily add any other pages by referring to our HTML version, all JS, and CSS code required for any page is already included in our Asp.Net Core Starterkit, all you need to do is just copy HTML markup and include js file required for the page.
Let me know if you will need any further help on this.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team