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All Questions (5221)

Good afternoon,I did everything according to the instructions, installed Tailwind Vue, in general, everything works. I just can’t figure out how to make the dark theme switch work, as shown in the demo.
I've been using at least a 7 backward version of Metronic. I check the changelog, it is so disruptive to update. For now may be the best way is start again with last version. But my question is :What is the optimal way to easily upgrade Metronic ( I'm using Blazor hosted)?
Hello, how can I click on the images of the "Locations" section in the demo below with the mouse and slide them left and right as if they were a slider? use scrollable tabs in the card header but it generates a vertical scroll as well although unnecessary. How can I prevent it?
Hey team,How can I use scroll-x defined here pricing cards here I have more than 6 items. I need a scroll-x here but I can't activate it as describ...
Do you have deployment build script for react project like vite or webpack to generate dist files for production deployment?I tried the npm run build but I get the following errors:$ npm run build> metronic-react-tailwind@0.0.0 build> tsc -b && vite buildsrc/theme/core/helpers/util...
Hi,I followed instructions but i am unable to perform this step.Using typescript initialization with Vue-routerTo use typescript components in combination with vue-router , the component initialization must be triggered on every page change within beforeEach event.// index.tsimport KTCom...
For one of my project, i want metronic 8 maybe 8.0. A version of metronic when the app is build on JS.
webpack-cli Invalid configuration object. Webpack has been initialized using a configuration object that does not match the API schema. - configuration[0].entry['js/widgets.bundle'] should be a non-empty array. All modules are loaded upon startup. The last one is exported.obtive pacote pel...
Hi,I want to create a form with interactions similar to those in Metronic 8 demo 39 catalog: link I'm using Metronic 8 with React and need to integrate a form that includes features like multiple imag...
I have completed all the steps provided in react integration guide 1 Creating Project2 Integrate Styles3 Setup Static Files 4 in Integrate Core a Initialize global typescript componentsb Disable Strict Modeafter all these steps when i hit npm run dev i am gettin...
where is the function that check if the screen size is a mobile ?i can see the navbar menu hidden on small screen and shows a button toggle next to the user icon to open the listi have two dropdown controls in the nav bar, need to hide them and show it on another menu/component
I have a metronic(8.2.6) file,file directory - > Starterkit->_keenthemes|bin|Controllers|obj|Properties|Resources|Views|wwwrootNow,I create a Core MVC Project,and i need put metronic JS、CSS、and other Files into my project.Where can i find this fi...
hi,in settings i add "'assets/js/custom/apps/calendar/calendar.js" but calendar not showing i add additional js and css it works it works when i clear theme vendorshttps://prnt....
Hi, Latest metronic 8 for Laravel.In config/settings.phpI set'KT_THEME_MODE_DEFAULT' => 'dark',But I can't see dark theme. Is it working, do o need compile? Or there is bug?Inpartials/theme-mode/_init.blade.phpThere is script>var defaultThemeMode = "light"; var themeMode; ....
Im using the Default Download button on the template But the problem is not downloading the whole table , only the page 1here is the code on how I implement it ,Im using laravel and datatable , then fetch by ajax to processAny idea will help thanks $(document).ready(function() {...
I've tried many times follow the instruction in the Documentation - Integration guide: all the time I cannot run angular-tailwind, because when I run ng serve, I've got many warnings like this:Appl...
Hi guys,I was wondering: how can I write some custom SCSS, put in the correct folder and get that file compiled (and so converted in CSS and push in the correct folder/in the correct file's code in public/assets) for it to be able to be consumed by my pages?I've tried different methods but n...
Hi,I noticed that the authentication in Demo3 is credentials-based. I need it to be OTP-based using a phone number. I saw this feature in Demo 39 HTML. Is there an alternative available in a different React demo?I'm also unable to view the authentication pages in those demos. Could you pleas...
Hi,using Metronic Laravel 8.2.5 and self implementing Yajra Datatable, I found this "bug" for which when a head column (the title of a column) is clicked to apply its ordering on the table the head title switch from alignment lef to alignment right.When clicked the title changes classes, how...
is there any video tutorial for how to install this with react , how can i add my component