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All Questions (5217)

Hi! I've recently integrated Metronic into my VueJS app, but after following your integration guide I'm getting this error when running my npm local dev build in Vue CLI:Any idea of what I might be missing?
If DEBUG is True, media and statics do not work in Metronic Django. What should I do?
As you have declared that metronic 9 is using tailwind css, can I use the Tailwind CSS code template directly to my react project using your metronic 9 react template?
I am working on a Blazor project which will use Metronic. I'd like to use the latest and greatest, and really like what I see in the Metronic 9 Tailwind release. While it would be great to have offical Blazor support available, I understand that could take some time and am fine to adapt the html ver...
Hi,I am developing a software as a service and I was thinking of buying Bold HTML Pro.The thing is that checking KennThemes in Bootstrap's web page, the license specifies that to have paying users you need the most expensive license and you can upgrade from a cheaper one this one easily. And a...
I checked and try to implement this part in my application, I use "Metronic 8 demo1" with vue. The problem is that laravel_token cookie exists, I checked, but it is not included in the request headers. Can you help me fix it an...
Dear Team, I have downloaded version metronic-v8.2.6 & metronic-v9.0.1 htmlbut cannot find RTL files for CSS and others.could you please help in that aspectregards
We work with Angular and Boostrap in our projects. Congratulations for your great work on Metronic 9. Is there any roadmap / plan to migrate Metronic 8 Angular Boostrap to the new Metronic 9 with this beautiful redesigned UI?
Laravel 10i tried to apply form repeater functionality i added js and html part and form repeater.bundle .js file but functionality not working , please supportThanks
Hi! I've just setup Metronic with Vue and followed the guide in the docs. I'm trying to change the theme to 'dark', but nothing is working.I've tried adding a data-theme-mode attribute to . I've also tried changing the defaultThemeMode to 'dark' or manually adding...
I am anticipating your react full project demo just like your you have a projected timeline on when you will be releasing it in public? Like is it coming this month, next month, or next year?
I followed this integration guide closely, but I couldn't get it to work. In core/index.ts I had errors regarding the imports (the default imports were actually named exports in their re...
Hello Support,I am trying to install demo9 using npm run dev --demo9 and same I tried with demo12 as well using npm run dev --demo12. But as per you document for different theme installation it should create demo9 or demo12 folder inside public folder which is not happening.And I am not able...
I made my Metronic 9 React Tailwind Integration, my system is running in the "dev" environment, but I get the following errors when building.src/metronic/core/components/datatable/datatable.ts:20:21 - error TS2612: Property '_config' will overwrite the base property in 'KTComponent'. If this i...
Hello, We purchased the pack and was wondering if demo 60 is available as a react templates?Best regards,Alexander Mihalkov
Metronic v.9.0.1Followed quick start steps 1-6Issue #1During step 6 the process never finishes; the last line output is:webpack 5.92.1 compiled successfully in 5500 msHowever pressing CTRL+C gives message:Terminate batch job (Y/N)?Proc...
how can i get the code of every theme components in one project also the themes of metronic 9 and react themes of metronic 8 in one project
Hello, there is a symfony starter pack its ok. But i never used it because Metronic 8 already work with webpack and its easy to integrate in to symfony app. But now, Symfony's AssetMapper component available and recommended by Symfony. Do you guys planning any update for AssetMapper support in the f...
Good afternoon,I did everything according to the instructions, installed Tailwind Vue, in general, everything works. I just can’t figure out how to make the dark theme switch work, as shown in the demo.
I've been using at least a 7 backward version of Metronic. I check the changelog, it is so disruptive to update. For now may be the best way is start again with last version. But my question is :What is the optimal way to easily upgrade Metronic ( I'm using Blazor hosted)?
Hello, how can I click on the images of the "Locations" section in the demo below with the mouse and slide them left and right as if they were a slider?