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All Questions (5216)

Metronic version 9, doesn't work.When i follow this steps. console give me this eror.SyntaxError: The requested module '/src/theme/core/components/dropdown/types.ts' does not provide an export n...
This error comes up when i run php artisan migrate:fresh --seedAccess to undeclared static property Spatie\Permission\PermissionRegistrar::$pivotPermission at database\migrations\2023_06_11_075700_create_permission_tables.php:54
Please help, I am following all installation instruction from the docs and getting stuck when running npm build. i am using node version 20.15.0 (LTS) and npm version 10.7.0. Screenshot: Metronic 9 Tailwind
I'm having a problem with Metronic 9.I'm getting this error:Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module "/resources/theme/core/components/dropdown/types.ts" does not provide an export named "KTDropdownConfigInterface" (at index.ts:2:10)
I downloaded the latest version of keen admin demos [1-9] (V3.0.7) and noticed the new structure of the build tools. The paths configured for gulp.config.js and webpack.config.js were not working correctly either.In gulp.config.js I made the following changes:dist: ["../dist/assets"], //...
Hi,im using your react demo8 and going with v8.2.3. I would like to upgrade to v8.2.6 now.I've checkt your changelogs and were a bit confused what accutually had changed.As I joined you git repo I was hoping to get some more info about the exact changes...But I can't read the exact dif...
Any idea how much time it is going to take before the 'Soon' pages like Ecommerce are going to be ready?
Hello Team,I'm currently trying my best to get metronic 9 running with the techstack in title.I stumpled upon some things that I want to share with you:- You have a lot of wrongly formatted imports / exports - my IDE will directly tell me that nearly every typescript component file has at...
i use metronic theme for laravel by deafult the user module is present i use that but i have a issue while edit modal is called it opens fine but when i try to update anything the other inputs gets nulled below is the example here i only edited name that's coming others null in console{ "...
I installed the version of react according to the instructions, but the entrance window does not let me go further than the window even though I enter demo data.
Hi team, I'd like to set own data for the chart as below. however, it doesn't work. please advise how can I set the chart data for Blazor. protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender){if(firstRender){var chart1Data = "[6100, 3100, 3100, 2400,...
I have installed Laravel version 8.2.6 and I am encountering an error: "/illustrations/sketchy-1/9.png not found". However, the image is present and has the correct permissions. How can I resolve this issue?
hi, since there are already UI frameworks for blazor that avoid adding javascript such as third-party libraries, jquery, etc.I wanted your opinion on possible scenarios:1 - Fluent UI for blazor + css only ( metronic 8.2.6.. or 9.0.0)2 - MudBlazor for blazor + css only ( metronic 8.2.6.. or 9.0...
I'm trying to install Metronic 9 in a new application on Angular and I have the impression that the folder names are messed up in the guide It says that src must be copied to src
Hi there,Regarding DataTables, I've noticed a strange issue. When I use webpack to build the project, the icons for pagination and the position of the page numbers look odd, and the search box also appears unexpectedly. Any thoughts on this?
Hi, I would like to add additional font sizes, font weights and colors to theme.How exactly can i do that?I was trying adding new definitions to tailwind.config.js and building css, but new values are not picked up, or at least they are not added to the compiled st...
Hey,I'm trying to integrate ColReorder for Datatables. It has bootstrap5 styles here and see the example here: checked the package.json and the styles for it already included in your bundle. But when I try to use...
Metronic is undoubtedly one of the most popular themes worldwide. I started using it several years ago for a system, and I’ve stuck with it ever since.I find the theme impressive and currently use it with Laravel and Vue. I’m sharing my experience to highlight a significant issue: despite Metron...
I have downloaded the Metronic V9. I have followed the guide files and file structures do not match and I am recieving a huge amounts of errors because of the mis matched files. The documentation i...
I've been following through this tutorial in order to install metronic v9 (with tailwindcss) on my vite+react projectproject was made from scratch by following and copying the given commands provided by the...
Hi,After reading the docs on Metronic 9 Laravel i get this message and i don't know where it come from and what the solution is.[vite] Internal server error: Failed to resolve import "@popperjs/core" from "resources/theme/core/components/tooltip/tooltip.ts". Does the file exist?