When I turn on the search function on the small screen, everything is normal, but when I switch to widescreen, there will be a blank pageI don't want this blank page to existKTSearch optionsshowOnFocus: falseminLength: 1layout: 'menu'keypr...
hi any update for svelte/sveltekit integration guide for v9 ? or is there any current integration that is similar to svelte ?right now what i am trying is like this.1. Copy all the tailwind.config.js into svelte tailwind.config.ts2. Copy all the required tailwind.config.js plugin to ./src/...
Hello,I want to use Metronic 9 with Next.JS integration. I was able to stand up the project with the instructions in the integration section. However, there is integration for Demo1. How can I integrate for other demos? Currently, when I stand it up, the interface does not come normally for demo1....
I am attempting to use Metronic (9.x) with Blazor, and have started a project based on the official sample found here: https://github.com/keenthemes/metronic-tailwind-html-integration/tree/638f04486f737a6c5b86edf51666b8eb72469fb8/metronic-tailwind-blazor-serverAlthough I have to point out, this...
Is it possible to setup a keen theme to immediately show a page-loader (modal spinner), so that I can hide it later once my Javascript has finished initialising?Using KTApp.showPageLoading() isn't suitable because it isn't guaranteed to run immediately.Are there any classes or attributes I c...
I just downloaded v 8.2.9 of Metronic and I get this error when trying to run gulp:[14:24:17] Starting 'default'...[14:24:17] Starting 'cleanTask'...[14:24:17] Finished 'cleanTask' after 51 ms[14:24:17] Starting 'buildBundleTask'...[14:24:18] Finished 'buildBundleTask' after 202 ms[14:...
Hello, I do not want the filters field to be stored in the stateSave section. According to my research, we can do this with stateSaveParams, but I could not get this to work in KTDatatable. Anyone have any ideas?
I just purchase metronic with the express purpose of using it with Blazor Server. I am trying to follows this getting started guideline, but appears to be out of date / incorrect and I have not been able to fill in the gaps myself:https://keenthemes.com/metronic/tailwind/docs/getting-started/int...
I need to capture the even object of kt.stepper to conditionally perform some custom task and prevent the event stepper event from continue if condition not met, eg:stepper.on("kt.stepper.click", function (event) { doSomething(event)});function doSomething(eventObj) { if (conditi...
Hi! Metronic version: 9.1.2.I ended up having to subscribe to Tailwind's own component package (www.tailwindui.com/components) because the template doesn't have many components yet, and I was surprised that for some reason many of their own classes don't work in your template (which is Tailwind)...
Hi there,Back in July I asked when would Toast components be available in Metronic 9 and your team told me it would be available "in the near future".In the last four months no new UI components were even released.Can you please let me know how soon will Toasts be available?Thanks!
Hello,I’m encountering this error with Symfony 7 and AssetMapper in the plugin.bundle.js file. Webpack is no longer recommended for Symfony 7. I took the plugin.bundle.js from demo 2 of the HTML version. How can I resolve this issue?Thank you.
I buy a template and use itI don't know how to change the layout when using a good template in Django.The sidebar layout seems to be the default, but when I change it to another layout, the overall layout doesn't change. I have no idea where to look to change it.A detailed and detailed answer...
the error come from metronic folder```src/metronic/vendors/@form-validation/cjs/plugin-mui/index.js:1:1 - error TS9005: Declaration emit for this file requires using private name 'Mui'. An explicit type annotation may unblock declaration emit.```every single file from metronic folder error lik...
I'm using the new v9 tailwind react. It is really, awesome, but I have an issue where if I create a page and routes in react that is not in the sidebar, I have an error crashing the whole app.But for crud features, I dot not specially want create and edit pages to be in the sidebar.Why do I by...