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All Questions (5674)

Hi Lauris,can you please pass me information about possibility of changing colors in light theme?I would like to change sidebar (in sidebar mode) OR header ( in header mode ) from black to different one?Dark theme is fine and I would like to stay as it is but I need to change color of the si...
Hey, Metronic 8When using the drawer component and use the same element for submenu on desktop and drawer on mobile, what is needed is to turn :data-kt-drawer-activate="{default: true, lg: false}"data-kt-drawer-overlay="{default: true, lg: false}"you have som...
I am using Metronic theme library, version 8.2.8, and when I startup my page, it throws an exception saying "TypeError: Promise constructor cannot be invoked without 'new'". This plugin was working fine for the past year, up until I installed the .Net8 SDK, then received some error (forgot what it w...
need assistance with customizing the layout for responsive design.Metronic Version:8.2.7Demo theme : 4Framework: HTMLSpecific Requirements:Fixed Sidebar and Header: I want the sidebar and header to remain fixed and sticky regardless of the device wid...
Hello,I would like to know when the other react demos for version 9 will be available, currently there is only demo1 available.Thank you
How to add custom css code in metronic theme for making responsive only device width > 1200px for container. the aside & header should be fixed position
I noticed that Metronic 9 now, available in react demo, but I'm unable to download.Actualy, I want to download demo 8.please guide me.Thanks
Hello team!Can you help me understand what is the versioning process for Metronic?For example, why we changed from 9.0.6 to 9.1.0?I'm just trying to understand the method here.Also, I've notice that there is a 9.0.7 version on Google Drive folder and there 9.1.0 is still beta.On Gitu...
Hi,i have purchased the good theme from bootstrap themes and am trying to integrate it into a django project for a business internal data tracking app - I am a novice to webapp. Is there a component i can use to add a stopwatch component to either count down or count up for form entries?...
Hello everyone,I have been developing with the metronic8 version for a long time. I am very used to it. But I want to use the metronic9 version in my new projects. What do I need to do to use the datatable of I installed the package with npm. There is no problem on the js side, but...
Hello, i recived this mail "Metronic 9 Tailwind React Arrived - Enterprise ready React App with 20+ generic React components, 10 unique demos, 100+ fully designed pages, 1000+ UI elements.", and i want to make a new React + Vite project. Could you give me the step by step process to initialize a...
Hello,Could I ask a silly question? sorry.How do I know what files have changed?I read the changelog, however, it doesn't show which files have changed.Thank you.Mario this feature available in the vue version? I tried it but it doesn't work
I haveLaravelBootstrapLaravel-UI for authtcg/voyager for admin panel installedUsing node 17. I can't use anything higher.I do NOT want to use your starterkit or boilerplate or whatever. So your instructions to install metronic are NOT clear at all.I need clear instructions on:...
Hi Please confirm date for metronic bootstrap theme for .net Blazor also tailwind with blaozr .net 8 with all controls
I just purchased it and i want to know about old figma files. if we are using older version for our laravel like metronic 8 then how we can access the figma of our desired version ?
Hi! I'm looking forward to seeing an official Rails 8 integration guide for Metronic 9, but in the meantime, I've made quite a bit of progress doing it on my own. Maybe my progress can help others or give KeenThemes a head start on official instructions. Just a warning: I'm a novice web app deve...
Error Description:When running the command "npm run dev" to start the server and then accessing the link http://localhost:5173/, the page takes approximately 6 to 10 seconds to load and the following message is displayed in the console:Note that the message is repeated many times in the cons...
react-dom_client.js?v=95cfd977:21139 Uncaught Error: createRoot(...): Target container is not a DOM element. at createRoot (react-dom_client.js?v=95cfd977:21139:19) at Object.createRoot$1 [as createRoot] (react-dom_client.js?v=95cfd977:21520:18) at exports.createRoot (react-dom_client...
When will there be a ready-to-use version of Metronic 9 in React?
the last change was in 20 March, 2024 with version number v8.2.4,and the html version now is v8.2.7 last change was 12 August, 2024..there is not updates/upgrades any more ?