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All Questions (5216)

I was patiently waiting for metronic to release on next, meanwhile i decided to code some pages in a simple react app. Fast forward to today;I was trying to move my application, so I did setup metronic with next.js following the given commands on the guide and I got this error:
Hello!I've noticed we dont have the github project available anymore.Can you please, add it back?Its much better to keep up-to-date with metronic source code changes.The idea of having a branch for each major version is also very nice.Thanks!
Hi, I've followed this guide to integrate Metronic 9 with Vuejs. I'm running Vue router so, as mentioned in the guide, I'm initializing KTComponent like this:// index.tsimport KTComponent...
Hello,Is there a way to load data without using apiEndpoint? I would like to create my custom function to load the data and then pass it to the DataTable instance.Is this possible in Metronic 9 Tailwind?Cheers,OZ
Hello, Do you guys have a sample codes or demo of a DataTables with subTable that both uses ajax to display data? I am currently using metronic v8.
I have these dependencies and are stopping me from deploying to production at Microsoft DevOps or GitHub. Can you help?npm warn deprecated inflight@1.0.6: This module is not supported, and leaks memory. Do not use it. Check out lru-cache if you want a good and tested way to coalesce async requ...
Hello,Please update Metronic v9 guide so we can get all the HTML sample pages to work with the sidebar buttons for React/Vue/Angular. As per instructions, we are only copying the media folder to Public folder, and when running the application, the right pane is empty. it would be great...
Everything is running in development mode. But after building it shows black screen , no errors nothing. How can i resolve this?
I purchased the Craft theme from the Bootstrap theme store and I want customize the charts but everything seems to hard coded in the widgets.js file. What is the recommended way to go about these chart usable with server side data?
When i define datatable i ghet this error in my index page, where can i put my script to define datatable after jquery and others scripts loaded?ndex:9215 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
Are there any plans to bring toast notification components to Metronic?
hi hi, i paid the Metronic. Do I missing something or the demo1 file for blazor dashboards razor are empty? Is it intended or there are place I can download that able to show what's in the preview? thanks.
I want to make a dashboard like Demo8 Metronik and I work with vue and tailwind, but bootstrap is used in this demo package, but I don't want bootstrap and I want the whole project to be with tailwind. How should I do? In the documents, it was written to download the tailwind and html package, but I...
i bought this dashboard template projest is angular project, Using Metronic 9 tailwind . i also did the installation toturial
Hello, there are three password meters on a form, these data are combined with the form validator, but the inputs with the password meter are directly marked as valid, but the inputs are empty. How can I solve this problem?
Hi, can i have the demo 38 in react please or can you give me some astuces to make it in react please ?
hi thereI try to convert them to rlt by add this code and every thing is working good expect side menu it's still in left side not moved in right side
Hello, I am trying to block an element while data is loading. I am using Metronic 8 alongside Bootstrap 5. I can succesfully block the element but I cannot release it and i get an error, I created a MVP async function getModelActivity(modalElem) {blockModal(;unblockModa...
I've recently implemented Metronic in my Vue app. I've setup demo1 and I can see it has some interesting functions in demo1.js, like _isSidebarCollapse()What would be the best way to access these throughout my app?
Hi,I need some advice on adding new icons to the IconButton so they behave the same way as the icons/buttons provided by Metronic UI.I tried adding my own icons to the "visuals" section, but when I use them in a button, they don't behave like the Metronic UI icons.Specifically, when I ho...
Dears, I am trying to use CSS and js files on demo 1 on the angular application, but I still can't get what is the correct order to import JS files, as always UI not working, and always getting on the dev tool some init issues, please advise