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All Questions (4904)

How do I use StepperComponent from _StepperComponent.ts file in Angular project.I copied this from html documentation and tried to make use of it, but couldn't make it work, couldn't find docs with anything other than html.
hello everyone,I whould build a new page blank for a new project.I try generated new build with and rename all page with ".blade.html" but it not a laravel page. I can build new page for my new Laravel projet with what ?Best...
Hello, I am using the CKEditor Inline in my Django app, and I would like to add a save button along with other buttons to the toolbar. I tried following the CKEditor docs but i keep having issues with ButtonView, which seems to be necessary for this task. I was able to successfully run:npm i...
I am using the latest version of Metronic 8.2.5 with DataTables Bootstrap 5 styling. However Metronic does not seem to respect the new layout option provided by Datatables.For example when I initialize my table with below code but Metr...
hi,i am using metronic react demo 1 theme, when i am changing the theme mode to dark or light the sidebar color is every time black, i want sidebar color to white when thememode is light, and dark the sidebar color if mode is dark, and one more thing when user first time login then the default mod...
Version: Metronic HTML v8.2.5 Demo1Problem, page: (open mobile and click chat)Workaround: The issue is that it causes the width of the page to be calculated differently as the page loads...
Hello, I followed the steps here:, draggable is still not working for me in my Django app.This is how im trying to use it in my js:var containers = document.querySelectorAll(".min-h-200px.draggable-zon...
Hi Everyone,We just completed our first year of service on a side project that used a theme that was not very supportive of mobile-based users. We are considering moving to Keen Themes, but I cannot find any reference information on how we could migrate to!I have watched the videos on "First...
Hello!The company I work for recently purchased your template. However, I'm encountering some difficulty getting it to function properly. I'm receiving the following error message:--> npm install --legacy-peer-depsC:\Repo\template\angular\metronic_angular_v8.2.5_demo1\node_modules\nx\src\n...
How can I use flatpickr with blazor metronic template ?
Please can you help me with the Login Form. I am using Metronic 8The form validation is working just fine but it does not redirect to my PHP Page to check for the user in the database. What Am I doing wrong?This is from assets/js/custom/authentication/sign-in/general.js
When use the CSS in my project of MVC with core dont charge this styles and I'm try make various solutions but is imposible
Hello support Team, I got an error at installing Metronic Angular Theme. I am stuck. Would you help me to solve the issue?Currently using Angular CLI: 17.3.6Node: 20.12.2Package Manager: npm 10.5.0OS: win32 x64After using ng serve command compiled failed. Getting this errorBu...
i buy metronicin demo review i have float button to open Metronic Builderi didn't found it after purchase and download theme and i found item in menu layout builder but on click on it ,it go to your link not link from folder i downloaded theme on it i mean their is diff between the demo re...
Hello, I would like to purchase the Metronic admin design with React. Which one should I choose? After purchasing, how will the support section be? Will updates be available for the purchased template? What version of React is it compatible with? If I create a project from scratch, can I easily inte...
Good morning,To begin with, I am using the "Getting Started" (Located: to look at the base application. It has been some time and I was wanting to refresh myself; however, I've hit a snag. The first time I installed this I...
Modern web applications cannot be separated from shortcut operations, including email systems, chat systems, file systems, and enterprise systems. A right click can be added for simple takeover, unified style, and convenient operation
I'm trying to install the laravel template on my server and when I run "npm install" I have this error.Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ~/starterkit/node_modules/@yaireo/tagify/dist/tagify.min.jsI try the following steps to resolve the issue:1. Remove the `node_modules` fol...
Hi,After downloading Metronic ASP.NET Core 8.2.5 and following the instructions from Getting Started doc using yarn install and gulp --demo1 when running the project, it runs just fi...
Sorry if there is an answer on the site.How can I send form data to my php file for processing?There are no problems with MySQL.The form will be verified with data, that’s good.
Hi, once again great template for all integrationsIs there any plan to have an HTML version with standalone Typescritp classes ?I already have a webpack config, and would be great to be able to use all the app built with Typescript in standalone version, where I would need to initialize it my...