Get 2024 Templates Mega Bundle!$1000 worth of 19 Bootstrap HTML, Vue & React Templates + 3 Vector Sets for just $99
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All Questions (5522)

Would it possible to include a tailwind "Demo" template similar to the one you use on your documentation pages as the docs look very neat and would be very useful
Do you have any plans to add a Landing Page template to the new Tailwind version? If so, do you have a rough time scale?
Hi,I see the aside menu has 2 themes, dark and light, but it's not applied:/** * Set the aside theme * @returns {string} */export const asideTheme = computed(() => { return useConfigStore().getLayoutConfig("aside.theme");});How and where can I use this?
Hello,I am using the Metronic library. I have a small screen that opens with Modal, the scrollbar is enabled on this screen and I can navigate the content with the scrollbar.When I scroll down with the mouse scroll, sometimes I go out of the Modal.I can explain this more clearly with the...
Hello!Do you have any suggestion/examples on how to connect FormValidation with the examples in Metronic9?Metronic8 use, but Metronic9 dont mention anything about it.It doesn't need to be FormValidation plugin itself, but ant other that can be added to Metronic9 Forms....
If I use the files found in the downloaded demos, everything works as expected.However, if I try using the code form the layout builder, then the layout is broken.The demo code has classes in the body tag, but the layout builder uses data attributes.Is there something that needs to be do...
Hello,You see I have assembled the base project of vue from the official vue repository of metronic and when I implement any html code such as the dashboard of the demo 1, looking at the demo preview of the official website I notice that my dashboard is less wide and I do not understand why....
I am unable to access the following URL: to purchase the Metronic framework. I keep receiving the following error message:"This site can’t be reached.Check if there is a typo in spelling is correct, try running Windows Network Diagnostics.DN...
Our previous Developer bought the Responsive Admin Dashboard Template on his personal account and I would like to get access to download/receive the purchased theme. I have the license with all the details for the purchase. We are unable to get in touch with the developer and he only left the licens...
Hi,I bought Keen 3 and now I wonder how to integrate it in my project or create a new project from scratch? I find in the documentation some detailed information about how to compile assets but no tutorial giving the whole picture. What are the steps to make use of Keen 3? I tried the layout bui...
I want to make the second column in datatable to have the responsive button, not the first one. I have tried different ways it works but not as I want when I use the design on the phone I need to scroll left to see the buttons and I have added the button manually:the JS:datatable_options = {...
Hi,I just purchased Keen 3 on and I'm unable to follow the documentation to generate the assets as described on The last step "gulp --demo1" always ends up in an error:Error in plugin "sass"Me...
Good afternoon,I have a modal with a form that has a textarea (ckeditor), in this when I try to insert an image by URL, I get this modal disabled and the cursor is seen in my modal behind.What can it be? How can I solve it?
I am currently working on migrating a project using Metronic, specifically leveraging the Tailwind-based demos. I noticed that some interfaces are marked as "coming soon" and wanted to inquire about their expected availability.Could you kindly provide an estimate on when these "soon" interfaces...
Hi Team,We’re using Select2 for our dropdowns, and we’ve enabled users to add rows dynamically in the form. We were using select2 on those rows. However, when new rows are added, the Select2 dropdowns do not initialize correctly for the dynamic data.Could you please look in to it?Thanks!
Is there a way we can use a custom global font even without internet on our application?
I feel dumb having to ask this question, I'm trying to learn next.js and use this template on my project since I already had it for angular.I did the integration steps provided in: that Im lost on how to int...
Hi, I am using metronic_html_v8.2.7_demo7 Datatables.$('#categories_list').DataTable({responsive: false})Even if use responsive:true or responsive false its automatically adds markup to table. that shouldn't added automaticallyi want to use my own markup in h...
I have purchased license but code not found in download.Where I can find react compatible code for demo4 theme?URL -
{ if (setDropDownId) { setDropDownId(value.template_uuid); } }} type="button" className="btn btn-sm btn-...
Hi,Please I would like to know how I can use the metronic core template with datatables, to activate it using what I will normally do this:$("#kt_datatable_zero_configuration").DataTable();
Hi there, I'm using Metronic 8 for ASPN .NET Core. Icons work correctly on localhost but when I deploy it to a staging site I'm not able to see the icons. I see a white square instead. I've been researching about this issue but I found nothing about it.