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Tag: Metronic (1405)

Hi,i'm using Metronic default Theme demo1 every Page containte Fiter Button and Creact React APP Modal with 5 stepshow can i Change Create Button Behaviour Depends on Current Page ?
Hi support,I have a problem when using gulp to build asset.I have folder like below :C:\metronic-8.1.7\html\theme\demo1C:\metronic-8.1.7\html\theme\toolsC:\metronic-8.1.7\html\theme\node_modulesIf I follow instrunction at
Hello,Our company (Le Phare) is currently using Metronic to build our own admin component in Symfony. I'm using the assets and twig templates from the Metronic Symfony demo. I was wondering why are the Symfony demo files absent from your repo Is there a...
Hello,please can you help set up a flashing message like on your site here at the bottom right for example.Thank you
When visiting a page that does not exist, the site displays the 404 page, as expected.However, when running unit tests to check that the 404 page is displayed, the test fails because the HTTP status code is 200 rather than 404.def test_client_detail_view_with_invalid_customer(self):...
Metronic demo 8 version 8.1.7node v18.14.1npm 9.5.0before when I used version Vite v3.2.4 no error when I running the following command npm run buildbut now when I updated Vite to 3.2.5 the errors display in 3 files Errors Files 4 src/components/modals/wizards/T...
ERROR in ./resources/assets/demo1/sass/plugins.scssModule build failed (from ./node_modules/mini-css-extract-plugin/dist/loader.js):ModuleBuildError: Module build failed (from ./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js):SassError: $color2: var(--bs-gray-900) is not a color. ╷212 │ @return...
Hi, do you have any news about metronic support for Laravel + Inertia applications?This topic was already asked a couple of times in this forum.It would be really great if there would be support or at least a guide for how to use metronic with laravel 9 (or now 10) and inertia to be able to wr...
import { useI18n } from "vue-i18n";const i18n = useI18n()how I can use it in folder router in index.ts file to translate for example :pageTitle: "title",breadcrumbs: ["bread"],I have tried a lot but to no availMetronic demo 8 version 8.1.7node v18.12.0...
I started my project on version 8.1.1 for Laravel using demo8 and now that I have completed it I would like to upgrade it to the current version which is 8.1.7.I noticed that there are some differences in the especially in the resources folder, I understood the new build method but I can't under...
While installing Flask demos the other day, the antivirus detected an issue in the node resources as shown below. The packages used need to be reviewed again.
Hi There, team interested to purchase the metronic template however we have few doubts on this.Question:a.) Does the amount of $49 comes with all the features as mentioned or need to pay additional ch...
i tried copy paste what documentation said, but calendar didnt show m i missing something ?
here I want to ask about how to templating the 7 metronic demo with the laravel inertia vue js framework, when downloading the vue js template the file inside uses .ts
Hello - My apologies, I'm a very old school coder, and I'm using Metronic for the first time (any modern template actually). I have a question about form submission.Currently, when I submit a form, it ignores form action and instead uses script to pass the value of name and value in the URL...
I did buy this theme to learn languages I don't know yet, and it looked like a good thing have the same code translated to multiple languages to compare and learn faster.But, do I have to download it one by one, lang per lang? I'd like it to download the full version and recieve the full code if...
same question on stackoverflow application that uses a spinner with css @keyframes. the spinner works for a split second before becoming broken here is the problemh...
Hello, we had purchased version 6 Metronic Admin Dashboard Theme(Item id-4021469) and we been using it with Angular 6. We have found an issue that the data is not being displayed on the page unless you move the mouse pointer to the side nav or by clicking on top right corner. Can you provide me any...
Hi,How to edit Metronic Blazor project name (Starterkit) as a global parameter?Thank you
Such behavior does not happen on Metronic 7.X where the table data is aligned correctly and does not display table data below table header on datatable responsive mode.Example for Metronic 7.X (Expected behavior, much tidy and pretty layout) for Metronic 8...
Hi,I am trying to add a simple .hover-elevate-up class to a component, but the transition styles are not applied.It seems that in _page-loader.scss they are overwritten:// CSS3 Transitions only after page load(data-kt-app-page-loading="on" attribute added to b...
In order to have a fixed toolbar using the Light Header Layout, I realized that I should set data-kt-app-toolbar-fixed="true" inside the initLightHeaderLayout() in views/layout/bootstrap.js. Should I go ahead and update bootstrap.js file directly or there should be a source file that should be c...