i have noticed that you just released a new update and when I try to change the CSS and js files from the new update to my existing project it does not work properly side menu being diappreadKindly help, i have the support facility in my purchase
Hi Keenthemes Teams, How to make fixed header, menu, breadcrumb like demo 6, in demo 11?
Based on below doc, I added 2 tabs and their contents in a angular component. But tab change doesn't work. Is there any script initialization required?https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo1/documentation/base/tabs.htmlThanks.
For example ;I want to draw graphics using widget-38.js file.protected override Task OnInitializedAsync() { return base.OnInitializedAsync(); }method in widget-38.js file data: [54, 42, 75, 110, 23, 87, 50] and categories: ['E2E', 'IMC', 'SSMC', 'SSBD', 'ICCD', ' PAN', 'S...
Hi keenthemes,The select2 height is not getting fit with the left/right icon height accordenly with the icon height.We really would like to see a fix in the next update, so we can update to Metronic 8.1.here's a Metronic 8.1 online demo of it :https://ibb.co/MgcpVBTand here's in...
Hi, form select control doesn't show with proper design. Is there any js script initialization required to make it work? How can I fix this in the angular project? Please have a look at the below screenshots:https://ibb.co/7NRx128https://ibb.co/FWfzzpL
Hi, I have a problem with loading time. We have used this template to develop the admin panel and due to low connection speed, loading time become a major problem now. Actually, we have used a few components only and there are lots of unwanted parts. So, identified that if remove those fro...
What is the correct way to disable "aside" with vue?
Hello,I need to include a modal with form inside a multi-step sequence, but the component don't allow me to do it.There is a way to include such modal inside this component?Thanks,MB
Hello,I can't change the initial checkbox state to unchecked in a Wizard multi-step form. It seems the component only accept "checked" as an initial state and I'd like to setup "unchecked".Is this a bug in the component or am I doing something wrong?Thansk,MB
Hi,In multi-step sign up, using Vue, the error messages under the required fields appear without the user even making a mistake or trying to step forward. This behavior only happens in the wizard (multi step), and in the other forms we can control this visibility.I'm trying to adjust thi...
I downloaded Blazor demo1 as .rar . I made the necessary updates. Where do I find the missing pages?
Hello,I am looking to utilize firebase auth and would like to integrate it into my angular project. Thanks, Anthony
Hi there,I'm trying to change the values from file resources.views.partials.widgets.mixed._widget-10.blade.phpBasically its pretty clear, that the Apex Chart should use the routefrom data-kt-chart-url="{{ route('profits') }}".In the SampleDataController you can easily change the valu...
Hello,i'm trying to follow as best the metronic structure, and I've used SweetAlert to show confirmation popup, but it clashes with the metronic layout. which one do you use normally? bootbox?Thanks
I can only use the HTML version, as my stack is CI or raw PHP, not Laravel or React.In the HTML version, GULP and WEBPACK only assist with compiling SASS to CSS. Only the assets folder is affected.There doesn't appear to be any snippets library for HTML demo in the SRC folder, there's only f...
Hi I don't use Vue, React, or Laravel.. I'm using CI so I'm limited to the HTML pack only.The HTML version only contains static HTML pages and requires a large overhead to get the snippets required for build.$39 USD ($60 AUD) is high cost for static pages that I need to spend days / week...
Hi,There seems to be a bug when you group together a menu-item menu-accordion and a menu-item inside a main menu-sub menu-sub-accordioninside Aside-menu-componentBasically something like this:
Hi team, we want to have the aside menu not interrupting the header menu (log, links, etc). 1. We want the header should full as what can be seen if you perform the following(1.a) navigate to https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo1/layout-builder.html,(1.b) click on layout( 1.c) se...
In Metronic Version 8. It is mentioned that 150+ functional pages are available like 7 Account pages, 27 Authentications pages, etc...We have Download Metronic Veriosn 8 theme. We have checked the theme on our local machines and also we have checked the theme preview but we are not able to find...
Hello, I'm having problems including a jQuery .autocomplete function for a textbox which should load from MSSQL Customer List. My code works perfectly alone, but not in the MasterPageUncaught TypeError: jQuery(...).autocomplete is not a functionwith
Hi,today I tried to update Metronic theme from v8.0.38 to v8.1.0 within my app without success.I reproduced exactly the same steps I always followed (from the doc, since v8.0.21) but still layout appears somehow weird (both header and aside are missing, tooltip that should be dark apperas white,...