I am using the Vue Version... I am getting the following error:
What should I do?
Some issues need review, and may require choosing
a different dependency
PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\metronic_v8.1.1\vue\metronic_v8.1.1_vue_demo8\demo8> npm audit fix --force
npm WARN using --force Recommended protections disabled.
npm WARN audit No fix available for quill@<=1.3.7
npm WARN deprecated svgo@1.3.2: This SVGO version is no longer supported. Upgrade to v2.x.x.
added 138 packages, removed 9 packages, changed 4 packages, and audited 1133 packages in 9s
156 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
# npm audit report
nth-check <2.0.1
Severity: high
Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity in nth-check - https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-rp65-9cf3-cjxr
fix available via `npm audit fix`
css-select <=3.1.0
Depends on vulnerable versions of nth-check
svgo 1.0.0 - 1.3.2
Depends on vulnerable versions of css-select
postcss-svgo 4.0.0-nightly.2020.1.9 - 5.0.0-rc.2
Depends on vulnerable versions of svgo
cssnano-preset-default <=4.0.8
Depends on vulnerable versions of postcss-svgo
cssnano 4.0.0-nightly.2020.1.9 - 4.1.11
Depends on vulnerable versions of cssnano-preset-default
webpack-rtl-plugin *
Depends on vulnerable versions of @romainberger/css-diff
Depends on vulnerable versions of cssnano
Depends on vulnerable versions of rtlcss
postcss <7.0.36
Severity: moderate
Regular Expression Denial of Service in postcss - https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-566m-qj78-rww5
fix available via `npm audit fix`
@romainberger/css-diff *
Depends on vulnerable versions of postcss
rtlcss <=2.6.2
Depends on vulnerable versions of postcss
quill <=1.3.7
Severity: moderate
Cross-site Scripting in quill - https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-4943-9vgg-gr5r
No fix available
11 vulnerabilities (4 moderate, 7 high)
To address issues that do not require attention, run:
npm audit fix
Some issues need review, and may require choosing
a different dependency.
Hi Andres,
From a error you provided it seems like you was trying to run yarn or npm install. These are dependency vulnerabilities and they shouldn't influence the installation process, just make sure that the command created the node_modules folder, and then you can run yarn serve or npm run serve to run vue project.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team