Hi,today I tried to update Metronic theme from v8.0.38 to v8.1.0 within my app without success.I reproduced exactly the same steps I always followed (from the doc, since v8.0.21) but still layout appears somehow weird (both header and aside are missing, tooltip that should be dark apperas white,...
HiI have three questions.1. if we can buy a regular license first for evaluation? if all good, then we can upgrade to extended license?2. The template license is limit to one domain or one subdomain? 3. We have dev and production, different urls, but same domain (portals.example.com...
Hi, I had seen KTPasswordMeter is being used in HTML demos. While in the Angular demo there is a component named - PasswordMeterComponent.Now would you please tell, me how to use PasswordMeterComponent on the Angular signup page? I wouldn't like to use it as a global script. Any doc on Passw...
Hi Im trying to port some elements from the HTML version to the Angular version but the styles are different, mainly because there are some styles in the style.bundle.css which are not found in the .scss files.Is this a correct assumption or am i just missing some .scss files? sample -> this...
Hello, can you tell me please why angular theme is different and i cant use html classes inside, to change it.Example:1. HTML Left aside bar has classes: app-sidebar flex-column2. Angular Left aside bar classes: aside aside-light aside-hover...
Hi, HTML Demo5 is missing some files. The devs Metronics dashboard doesn't have ask.html, question.html, search.html, and tag.html files, or may also be other missing files.
I am using Rider HTML free theme and trying to integrate in Angular but somehow some functionalities are not working like sidebar menu open, search menu open, profile menu open. I have added all styles and scripts in angular project still I am getting error
I followed this documentation to create a fresh Laravel 9 and Vue 3 using demo 8 app: https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/vue/docs/#/vue-laravel-integrationHowever, when running npm run dev, it only builds up until about 12%, and then it freezes. How do I resolve this?I als...
Do you have an example either by way of documentation or an example download of the laravel backend to the Vue Demo 1 theme?the app you have at https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/laravel/api just looking for an example so I can learn.ThanksJim
Not sure what I'm missing - but I don't understand the following two issues:1. the need for setting up and running the template from node.- If I can run the demo by clicking the index.html in the dist folder, so why do I need to set up node and run the demo via localhost?2. the need to exp...
Have purchased and entered my purchase key. When downloading from the demos page (https://devs.keenthemes.com/metronic), only one demo zip is downloaded successfully at a time, and any other simultaneous downloads are ceased with a 'forbidden' error.I'm downloading from Chrome Version 103.0.5060...
So I have a Laravel Metronic 8 app and I'm trying to understand how the asset compiling works. There are a lot of folders and a lot of code and directories in resources/assets:- core- demo8 (chosen demo)- extendedQuestions:1. What are all these folders?2. Why are core an...
Hi, was testing out Metronic and switched to responsive mobile view using Chrome Inspect.I can't attach images here, but the theme did not fit to match mobile device width. It was too wide by around 10%. Even after reloading page.This was based on your demo pages here:- https://preview.kee...
Omg.. I love your themes, but I hate the shopping experience.Is the main difference between Metronic, Seven, Ceres, Rider and Jet, the aesthetics? Are there some fundamental differences?I honestly can't imagine you would be fracturing your product.. support, versioning, and updates would bec...
Hello. I bought the template to use it in Angular, but the components of the "Project" tab are missing, which are the ones I need to use. Please can you tell me how to get to these and use them in my Angular project?
Hello, I wondered if you could tell me a nice way to reduce the scale or zoom of the entire application in a nice way? If I set the browser view zoom to 80% this gives the desired look I am wanting but I want to know the best way to do this within the code? Many thanks Lewis
Hi,I am not sure about the exact reason, but when dinamically routing to the page or rendering the component when user data is fetched for HeaderUserMenu, the menu is not opening on click. I have to make a full page reload in order for it to work. How can one ensure the menu is working even if t...
How can I pull the new dark/light mode toggle from your latest update?1) Is there a javascript file that needs to be updated?2) What CSS file(s) need to be updated?3) What script do I need in order to actually toggle the dark/light modes?
Hi,I am using Demo 2 React and ran into a huge number of wrong style naming:fw-semoboldI figured it was meant to be fw-semibold, just wanted to let you know so you may fix it in the upcoming releases.Thank you.