Get 2024 Templates Mega Bundle!19 Bootstrap HTML, Vue & React Templates + 3 Vector Sets
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All Questions (5218)

Hi,How do i set autowidth for datatables?I used autowidth: true in the configuration but it wont work.
Hi,The form in Register Page always return "Invalid Password"Is this a bug in Form Validation?Please help meThanksHere is the photo:
Hello all,While working and exploring the Theme demo files I noticed there were multiple elements "ToolBar1" "ToolBar2" etc. My question is what would be the suggested method to actually switch between these different toolbars as it's not highlighted in the docs or within the codebase....
I cannot find the support center designs in the figma file.( you please send the figma files!
Hi,Is there a fix for the position of the dropdown's data when using Select2 with multiple ?!
Hello, I have already purchased your theme. I want to develop it in laravel and vue js. The problem i am facing right now that is couple of js file showing error after compile by webpack like plugins.bundle.js and script.bundle.js. Can you give me any advise please?
Guys, How can I find the 21 theme html in download folder ? or any enabled html theme?
Hello , I bought your theme few moments ago and after purchasing I realized the react demo is in Typscript format instead of normal Javascript . How can I get React Demos with JS instead of Ts , Please Help me I don't have time to learn TS .
Component Missing In Rect js (Demo1)Basically - we are looking for, All React js components should be the same as HTML design , however, cannot find most of them and only limited features/components in React js vs HTML 1:- We are not able to find Auth (Aside login,Registration,Forgot Passwor...
Hi, Thank you for the awesome theme. I am using a vue theme. I checked we can add different language wise labels. But it’s only for the Side and Topbar Menu.What I have to do if I want to show page breadcrumb language-wise also? Is it possible?Also, I checked in all other pages button text a...
Hi,I am trying to use sweet alert and toastr in the angular example. However, I do not understand how to toggle a toastr or a sweet alert in a component. Can anybody help me by showing and example?Thanks in advance
Hello,I purchased Metronic8 and used it well. Thank you.And, I have a question.I wnat modal in modal (Stackable model / 2 step)For example,Step1
Hey guys, Long time Metronic user here, but I am not very advanced.The Demo5 theme has red as it's primary color, used everywhere. I have tried everything I and others can think of to change the primary color from red to blue, but no matter where we change the color it ALL always stays red....
I am integrating Metronic to a SPA web app with Aurelia.js, VSCode and Webpack. When I build the application with NPM I get 3 warnings as the following:There are multiple modules with names that only differ in casing.This seems to have to do with inline svg declarations as the followinga...
When I add an ajax script to the page it's being overrode and still submitting the form with a refresh instead of loading my ajax script. Is there a basic ajax insert script for a form anywhere? Or at least as an example would someone be able to do it to the project settings page?
Hi guys, I want to buy a template, but I will use it in Angular framework, Does it prevent me from using it in Angular? On Angular, as we all know the TopeScript language, will it prevent me from using it inside?Would you recommend me to take a template to use in Angular ?I really want to buy it...
Dear support,We are using Metronic Laravel Demo 8.0.37. We include repeater.js in global pages config"plugins/custom/formrepeater/formrepeater.bundle.js", when we try to use in JS its giving "$(...).repeater is not a function" error. We also try to include it in plugin.js but the result is same....
import firebase from "firebase/app";import { defineComponent, ref, onMounted } from "vue";interface ICustomer { id: number; name: string; email: string;}const customers: Array = [ { id: Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999) + 1, name: "Emma Smith", email...
Hi, I'm having problems to run blazor server app with metronic theme. I have followed instructions from as well from
Hello,I didn't understand how to use REGEX validation on fields like email, phone, url, vat etc ...The code I use is the following 'email': { validators: { notEmpty: { message: 'e-mail richiesta!' }, regexp: { regexp: /^[\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4}$/, message: 'Indir...