Hello,i am using the version for angular. I wanted to know if there is any way to insert password visibility toggle button in the input field like this examplehttps://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo1/authentication/extended/free-trial-sign-up.htmlThank you very much
After already putting in some time with development, I'd like to install Vue. I'm using Metronic 8 with Laravel 9 and I'd like to start using Vue components for better usability. How do I go about installing Vue and using Vue components? All tutorials/articles that I see online are all for using La...
Hi!! I just buy Metronic 8 template. I want to include the vue calendar app in my Web Application but I'm not sure about how to do it.Either I don't found doc about it.Please, there is some documentation about how to do it?Best regards,Jose
There is wrong version of node.js in metronic8/react.On references overview, I see that the project uses Node.js (LTS version) but in version overview it's says v14.17.3.At the moment the LTS of node is v16.15.0.https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/react/docs/docs/references
I am attempting to download Demo 4 (HTML) and am receiving the following error: This site can’t be reachedkeenthemes.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com took too long to respond.Try:Checking the connectionChecking the proxy and the firewallRunning Windows Network DiagnosticsERR_CONNECTION_TIME...
Hi,I have bought Metronic angular.In my download I have only docs and demo.In documentation you say to change to theme folder.I do not see this theme folder.I want to start with minimum configuration and add only needed components
I just bought the template and it doesn't include all the demos mentioned, I need to download all of them to use them. Could you provide me with the download link for all the demos, for example demo 10 since it is not in the download folder and from demo1 it is sent to this address. https://preview....
Hi, I'm trying to run the react demo 1 but i keep getting this error when running yarn start:Failed to compile./projects/avi-react/src/_metronic/helpers/components/KTSVG.tsxTypeScript error in /projects/avi-react/src/_metronic/helpers/components/KTSVG.tsx(13,8):'SVG' cannot be used as...
Hello :) According to this documentation page https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo1/documentation/getting-started/build/gulp.htmlI should go to the "/theme/tools/" directory, but it doesn't exist for me.What to do ? I tried to re-download the .zip but it's still not t...
Hi,I see that I can change the import in the styles.scss from dark to light but...How can I implement mode toggle ?Thank you in advance for your answer
Hi, After upgrading from 8.37 -> 8.38 on the vue version, now my vue.config is not working anymore. In your changelog you haven't written anything about breaking changes?this is what causing errors: chainWebpack: config => { config.module .rule("eslint") .use("eslint-loade...
When I run 'npm start' of Demo 2 I got this error, however I do the same with the Demo 1 it can work well:TypeScript error in /src/_metronic/helpers/components/KTSVG.tsx(13,8):'SVG' cannot be used as a JSX component. Its instance type 'InlineSVG...
The site works without any problems, butAll components throw an error---errorJSX 요소 클래스는 'props' 속성이 없으므로 특성을 지원하지 않습니다.ts(2607)'__VLS_21'은(는) JSX 구성 요소로 사용할 수 없습니다. 해당 인스턴스 형식 '{ $: ComponentInternalInstance; $data: {}; $props: Partial