Hello, I have just purchased metronic 8 and am looking into the file system and webpack config to see what I need and what not.
I found this piece of code in the webpack.config
if (fs.existsSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules') + '/summernote/dist/font')) {
// copy summernote fonts
from: path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules') + '/summernote/dist/font',
to: distPath + '/plugins/custom/summernote/font',
force: true
but I couldn't find summernote as a dependency in the packages.json, so it will never be in node_modules. For this reason can you please explain then why this piece of code is here?
Hi Fabian Abela,
We will remove it soon. Previously, we were using summernote plugin in the template, but now we no longer use it.