As it says in the manual, to change the colors or some other function of the template I used: Layout Builder. I exported the file and started making changes to the HTML. But when I enter this: class="aside aside-light aside-hoverable" data-kt-drawer="true" data-kt-drawer-name="aside" data-kt-drawer-activate="{default: true , lg: false}" data-kt-drawer-overlay="true" data-kt-drawer-width="{default:'200px', '300px': '250px'}" data-kt-drawer-direction= "start" data-kt-drawer-toggle="#kt_aside_mobile_toggle" in aside.component.html, the menu color changes to white, but the sub menus still remain black, where else do I need to change it?
The generated file is very confusing, it doesn't say what needs to be changed.
Thanks for the help in advance.
Sorry for the late reply.
Could you please clarify if you change aside: "light"
in src/_metronic/layout/core/DefaultLayoutConfig.ts
the menu is not changed to light style ?
Or do you want to customize the aside further by changing the colors? In this case you will need to refer to the layout's SASS config in src/_metronic/assets/sass/layout/_variables.scss
and src/_metronic/assets/sass/layout/aside/_menu.scss