In the webpack.config there is this method below that takes care of deleting the assets but I am not sure why it is restricted by that if condition. I mean if I run 'npm run build' I expect that the dist/asstets folder will be totally deleted first and then redone so if for instance I had some images in the src/media folder that I have removed then they will also be removed from the dist/assets folder and not stay there which can cause false impressions.
To make matter worse when I ran: 'npm run localhost', that if condition still wasn't hit.
function removeExistingAssets() {
if (typeof args.localhost !== 'undefined') {
del(distPath, {force: true});
Thank you for pointing it out. The changes should be included in the latest release. We appreciate your help.
Ok thanks, that makes a bit more sense in my eyes not sure why it was wrong in the first place...
We will fix it. It should be like this.
if (typeof args.localhost === "undefined") {