I have purchased Metronic7 and Metronic8. Currently i am using Metronic8 for my webpage. I prepared my webpage with ASP.NET Core 5. So far everything was fine. Dropdown menus work fine . But when i reload a partial view through AJAX which also contain dropdown menus of Metronic 8, then dropdown...
I've been using metronic 8 for a long time now and I have a great time, but I have a problem with regards to Breadcrumb.The problem is that when in Laravel I define an edit or view page for a specific model, for example a route of the type '/users/1/edit' the Breadcrumb does not appear.I tri...
Hi guys, so I installed the yarn dependencies and typescript into react/demo1 and then I initiated the react app with yarn start. However I am getting a errors on some prop kind of thing without even having touched the code thus far. The errror I am getting is: /Users/chtech/Downloads/metron...
Hi Guys, so I have reviewed the demo1 in metronic 8. I have looked at both the HTML version as well as the React version. What I am wondering about is that from what I can see, the HTML version is quite richer in terms of components and UI as compared to the React version. For example, in the HTML v...
Hello KeenThemes Team!We have already purchased the license of seven HTML Pro theme and are considering adapting it for an Angular 13 project.Will you offer this template directly for Angular in the nearest future? That would help us a lot.Thanks a lot and greetingsF.
I am using this code."use strict";// Class definitionlet KTSearch = function () { // Private variables let form; // Init Select2 const initSelectXYZ = () => { // Init Select2 --- more info: https://select2.org/ $('[name="provincia_id"]').s...
Hi,I am using KTDatatables Metronic v7 and want to toggle column visibility. datatable.column(parseInt(val)).visible(false); where val is the column index.This works perfectly in terms of removing the column from view and setting the parameter to true again to bring it back....
Hi,We are facing issue with jsSourcemaps in gulp.config.js following are the settings: { "config": { "debug": true, "compile": { "jsMinify": true, "cssMinify": true, "jsSourcemaps": true, "cssSourcemaps": true...
Hi, Can I use the Advance search template of HTML version for React version of Metronic v8.0.38? Because I did not see any Advance search template for React demos.
Hi, I'm using Metronic8 (v8.0.38) - React verison.I have a question about combining demos template's layout together:Can I combine components or layouts for example sidebar navigator of Demo1 for some routing and top navigator of Demo2 for so...
Hello, I am using the Metronic v8.0.38 Laravel version, and when I include the Tinymce plugin on the page, I get the following errors on the console. Of course, after these errors, the plugin does not load. I did not make any changes to the theme files. What do you think is the problem?Screensho...
I just purchased the Ultimate (https://themes.getbootstrap.com/product/keen-the-ultimate-bootstrap-admin-theme/) and the Signin page uses the button below to submit the user login form. Once clicked, the button animates but doesn't submit the form. Also, the button is enclosed within the tags...
After build, I am getting only loading page. I am using package.json and yarn.lock from https://gist.github.com/carmelodevuz/40c32fa5a96d3a64c5f4be20bf44085c.package.json:{ "name": "demo1", "version": "8.0.38", "private": true, "homepage": ".", "d...
Hi all,Been trying to setup Demo 6 on a fresh Metronic installation, but can't find any documentation explaining how to set this up.This is all I found:https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo1/documentation/getting-started/multi-demo.htmlCan you guys guide me?Thanks in adv...