I was wondering when the latest Metronic8 Vue3 release will contain the same form element examples and support that is part of Metronic7. Specifically all the Bootstrap form elements, Vuetify and Vuelidate examples that are included in all of the Vue demos from Metronic7.Thanks,Pete
Hello,First of all congratulations for the great work on Metronic.I'm using the Demo 1 version of Angular, and I would like to know if it's possible for you to add a dynamic configuration for the aside menu in which it was only necessary to add an array with items with the title, translation, pa...
I have demo 2 up and running. I cannot toggle the dark theme by adding "dark-mode" to the body's class list.I've also tried to load both styles (dark and light) in App.vue. At first it seems like that this works but this also seems to break a lot of things.What would be the recommended way o...
Hi, Could you please add a sort icon for the tables under the pagecrafted/widgets/tablesMembers StatisticsNew ProductsNew ArrivalsMember StatisticsRecent OrdersThank you
Are there pre-made components for VueJS to actually build an own app?I cannot use anything from the VueJS demo app as the components there all have hardcoded demo data in them.Is there something where I can download the components for theme elements such as cards, dropdowns, navbars, etc. or...
When I want to enter another page from the main page, everything works fine, but when I refresh the page, the logo and icon svg files disappear.Any help? Thanks in advanceFirstThen(after when reloading same page)
Hi, im try to use other types of apexcharts, im looking apexcharts vue home page, but not work!I cant see donut type.can please tell me how i can add other type of apexchart
Hi, can please help me. I need reset data and back to step 1 when i press submit button. in modal wizard.i see in your code "reset form¨ funtion but not work.can please give me a simple sample to clean formData.value and reset to step 1Thanks youhave a nice day!I have metrotic 8 v...
I am getting this error when running react demo2TypeScript error in /Users/tombrown/mvplaunchers/fys/fys_app/demo2/src/_metronic/helpers/components/KTSVG.tsx(13,8):'SVG' cannot be used as a JSX component. Its instance type 'InlineSVG' is not a valid JSX element. The types returned by '...
Where can i download demo16 metronc8 template from. I have license and support from themeforest. User ID: varmamshttps://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo16/index.html?_ga=2.13561975.1792717504.1649514574-331846070.1649514574Please help on this asap
Hello.I notice the new approach for other demos and, in the ThemeForest perspective, it does make sense. But for those downloading from github, there is no way to download other demos.Also, I'm not able to download previous versions of the packages anymore.Today 8.0.38 is available, but I...
Hello, we want to make a website for our small company. We want a website where our team members can upload pdf to projects, add customers to projects, create users for customers and view customers' documents. With their own username and passwords... I looked at your Metronic theme, I'm thinking of...
/metronic_v8.0.38/react/demo1/src/_metronic/i18n/i18nProvider.tsxTypeScript error in /Users/**/Downloads/metronic_v8.0.38/react/demo1/src/_metronic/i18n/i18nProvider.tsx(28,28):Property 'children' does not exist on type '{}'. TS2339 26 | } 27 | > 28 | const I18nProvider: FC = ({...