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All Questions (5235)

Hello,can you help me to use the RTL version of React Demo2,I tried the way in this documentation it doesn't work at all.You also mention this way https://preview.keen...
Vue Api Service not connected to Laravel Backend API(Sanctum) because of Authorization Token.Here is my sample code: import ApiService from "@/core/services/ApiService";const getUser = async () => { await ApiService.get('user/me') .then((resource) => { consol...
I actually have a few questions regarding licensing and purchasing of Metronic:1.) My company has a preferred purchasing process that requires vendors to give us quotes and then we purchase the product through resellers. We generally have to get special permission to purchase products directly....
Hi,I want to make a live theme switch in my app.How can I compile both dark and light themes into 1 css file?I'm using vuejs.Thanks.
I have decided to reverse engineer the React version of Metronic 8 in order to get a better understanding of the codebase and setup.However, I am having trouble understanding the props in AuthProvider. I have added the following code in my index.ts: const root = ReactDOM.createRoo...
Hello,I have a problem creating a modal inside another modal. I tried different ways.For example: Every time I try to open the second modal, the first one closes. (The problem will be Metronic. It works on...
We want to use the google map and we want to use the same example used in metronic demo page.(this is the url of example: but we noticed that it does not work in demo pageWe thought it's because of api key or something...
When I started the server for the first time it printed the following error. I checked the column folder and it was empty. And there were multiple empty folders.Failed to compile../src/app/modules/apps/user-management/users-list/table/UsersTable.tsxModule not found: Can't resolve './column...
Hi,I found that the editor height was locked by theme css:/js/metronic/theme/default/demo1/dist/assets/css/style.bundle.css:.tox-tinymce { border-radius: 0.475rem !important; height: 500px !important;}Can advise how to override it? I want editor have different height in differe...
I have integrated the Vue demo customer listing page in my development and when I integrate the Action menu (data-kt-menu) it doesn't work for me in the datatable but I put the same code outside the table it works can you please help me to fix this issue.Code:
Hi Team!We are on an older version of Metronic (v5) and are wondering if we can get the Figma File that is typically included with versions of Metronic. It seems that the Figma File is included with newer versions of Metronic given support answers we've seen in the forum here; however, we can't...
how to remove jquery completely from HTML, I saw docs here, that it mentioned we have to look and remove ourself, does anyone have `package.json` with only those plugins that are not dependent to jquery
Hi Guys I am installing the theme from demo19 from my Metronic 8 purchase.But I am hitting a snag, Error Uncaught ReferenceError: KTUtil is not defined I removed unnecessary HTML from the screenshot above to show naked code and show that I've included...
Hello,Any estimate when Metronic Demo 7 React version will be available?
but every time shows this error Error: Cannot find module '@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault'Require stack:- F:\metronic_v7.1.0\theme\html\tools\node_modules\webpack-merge-and-include-globally\index.node6-compatible.js- F:\metronic_v7.1.0\theme\html\tools\webpack.config.j...
In Metronic theme in forms if we hit tab then it behaves strangely, e.g in Sign In page I entered email and then I hit tab then the focus goes to the forgot password link and not on the text of password, this happens in almost all the forms that I have integrated, so can you please provide a solutio...
when I use the 'permission' or 'role' tag in config/menu-aside .. sidebar doesn't recognize it, using metronic 7.2.8.Does anyone knows why?
I was not able to integrate the HTML tooltip that was provided in the theme and I did not find any tooltip in the Vue doc so I implemented element plus tooltip but sometimes randomly it behaves strangely Does Vue demo have a tooltip? so I can integrate thatissue: https://rxteam376-my.sharepoint....
HiI'd like to deactivate the secondary aside and instead put menu titles next to the icons in the primary aside in the Seven Pro theme.I'm having trouble understanding how to make the primary aside wider to accomodate the menu titles next to it.Please can you help me understand how I wou...
Is there any way in vue demo that we can set the action button on the breadcrumb section right side dynamically based on the page same as the breadcrumbs?
In this filecomponents/page-layouts/Auth.vue Line 62change REMOVE_BODY_CLASSNAME to REMOVE_BODY_ATTRIBUTE it is wrong line you need to remove the attrs not the class
We have metronic licensed valid kneen theme downloaded and we are see live metronic theme new one look so new updates to coming at our license theme please suggest me why coming like this