Description of the problem: 1. The customer gave the assets from Matronic8 (I assume that he generated and configured the template configuration he needed)2. Now I have a task to upload these assets to my project on I've already broken my whole head, but I can't figure out how to do...
It looks like the V3 admin template does not support the h tags for badges.The previous version does as well as BS 5Is this an oversight or will Keen Admin V3 not support them?From BS 5.2 Badge page.Example heading NewExample headi...
I'm using metronic_html_v8.1.4_demo13 with react. I have copied all the ---- into my react App.js.I have also included below css at the top and js at the botton.
Hi: There is a problem with the dropdown menus at toolbars (all of them)There is no style at all (just raw HTML)For instance, let's try in the saas toolbar, the dropdown at "sort by" course, the demo works well, but try...
Hey,In my view file, I have 3 components that are imported. Inside each component, I have button and dropdown. The issue that I have, that only first component work and 2 others aren't working. When I remove first component, 2nd starting to work normally. In my opinion, it's maybe a issue in...
I tested the Laravel package for Metronic 8 and completed the Guide. Even though it was easy to setup the Laravel project, it would have been great to have a blank laravel setup instead of all the extra routes e.g. documentation etc., views and stuff even though the demo is available.Is there a...
Hey there. I have purchased UltraSMSScript which uses an older version of your Metronic Theme. I purchased the current version and wondered if I could talk to someone about the cost to have you install the updated theme version on our platform for us?
Hi, I'm using the "steper" component in a wizard with mandatory fields to be filled in.However, the error messages are appearing initially, without the user trying to move to the next step (when the messages should appear).Do you know how to solve this?I'm using Metronic 8.1.4 - Vue....
HiI am using the image input in angular and on clicking the edit icon the image upload functionality works and remove button is shown.But on binding the input with the image url(download url) recieved from API. The remove icon is not shown.This is in angular.
I am using METRONIC 8 DEMO 2 (SAAS application) theme. I have created a new service and added an HTTP method to call the APIs. When subscribing to the API response in component.ts inside ngOnInit, I am not getting the exact behavior like angular. Expected Behaviour: When subscribing the data i...
Hello,I am using VueJS and Metronic HTML template, I am using this widget but the cards are rendered inside a for loop.The dropdown menu is not showing :
Hi, I just bought Metronic 8. The demo1 React app for Metronic 8 does not have all the demo functionality the HTML version has. Is this deliberate or I didn't download the right thing. PS: I bought the full global pack.
Hi, I'm trying to add new event dynamically in javascript code. I didn't be able to do it. Can you help me please?It should be nice to initialize the calendar in the html page instead of js file like in the downloaded theme. Thank you in advance
Hello I bouhgt the Blazor theme from i only got the dashboard page i didnt get all the other pages i paid for ? can you please help me
Hello,There is a problem with the KTDatatable loading screen.It is light in dark theme and dark in light theme.Changing the order of the colors breaks the whole theme.What is your recommendation for this?Thank you.
How i can use the accordion component in angular version need to make component like that+ Requirements List - item #1 - item #2 - item #3 - item #4and this menu is collapsible