Im trying put a hebrew text to this page (pls view in mobile) and it looks bad.. http://www.eretz.cloudrocket.co.il/NewOrderForm.aspx?User=yoel&Pas=5238&ActivityCode=%20NewOrder
Need help asap.
May I know which template and version you are using?
In our templates we do not have such code: https://i.imgur.com/sXsAAtj.png and this seems to cause the issue.
You can try to remove the below code in your HTML head:
Label the data
td:nth-of-type(1):before { content: ""; }
td:nth-of-type(2):before { content: ""; }
td:nth-of-type(3):before {/* content: "׳ž׳¡×³â‚ª×³¨ ׳”׳–׳ž׳ ׳”"; */} /* Order No. */
td:nth-of-type(4):before { content: "׳×׳׳¨×³™×³Âš"; } /* Date */
td:nth-of-type(5):before { content: "׳™×³Âž×³™×³Â"; } /* Days */
td:nth-of-type(6):before { content: "׳™×³™×³¢×³“"; } /* Destination */
td:nth-of-type(7):before { content: "׳”׳×׳™×³™×³¦×³‘׳•×³×"; } /* Stabilization */
td:nth-of-type(8):before { content: "׳ ׳“׳¨×³©"; } /* Required */
td:nth-of-type(9):before { content: "׳©×³¢×³× ׳”׳×׳™×³™×³¦×³‘׳•×³×"; } /* Check-in Time */
td:nth-of-type(10):before { content: "׳©×³¢×³× ׳¡×³™×³•×³Â"; } /* End Time */
td:nth-of-type(11):before { content: "׳”׳¢×³¨×³•×³×"; } /* Remarks */
td:nth-of-type(12):before { content: "׳¡×³˜×³˜×³•×³¡"; } /* Status */
Hello, nope.. I cant remove that code.. i will send you the original code form the html file.
That was the data in html file
Label the data
td:nth-of-type(1):before { content: ""; }
td:nth-of-type(2):before { content: ""; }
td:nth-of-type(3):before { content: "×ספר ×××× ×"; } /* Order No. */
td:nth-of-type(4):before { content: "ת×ר××"; } /* Date */
td:nth-of-type(5):before { content: "××××"; } /* Days */
td:nth-of-type(6):before { content: "×××¢×"; } /* Destination */
td:nth-of-type(7):before { content: "×ת××צ××ת"; } /* Stabilization */
td:nth-of-type(8):before { content: "× ×רש"; } /* Required */
td:nth-of-type(9):before { content: "שעת ×ת××צ××ת"; } /* Check-in Time */
td:nth-of-type(10):before { content: "שעת ס×××"; } /* End Time */
td:nth-of-type(11):before { content: "×ער×ת"; } /* Remarks */
td:nth-of-type(12):before { content: "ס×××ס"; } /* Status */
Even if i directly add hebrew text to <p> tag, it will still display worse
Can you output the above contents by converting to utf8 encoding using your server-side language? The issue is with the formatting. The content should be converted into utf8 format and you should do it with your server-side code. I hope this guide will be helpful.
the file OrderInput.aspx was already saved as utf8 file. Content text on that css cant be converted to in server side.. because it is set every row of the table when viewed thru mobile.
Any help, how I can display the hebrew text nicely when hardcoded in html file?
The issue is here in the generated HTML code.
Can you check the source of your page https://i.imgur.com/y6ZOdqb.png
As can be seen, the text was generated in the wrong format and this has to be fixed on your server side. Not related to Metronic itself.
Why do metronic doesnt display hebrew text nicely if its hardcoded?
The text is displayed as it is put:
This text is not processed by Metronic. Metronic is an HTML template and it does not convert the text you displaying.
The other Hebrew content is shown properly since its generated properly.