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Sidebar minimise

Hello within my Laravel App using metronic i can collapse the main sidebar nav and this will collapse okay. When I move to another page or this page is reloaded the navbar defaults back to the maximised display. Could you tell me why this is happening or how to resolve the issue? I would like the navbar to stay minimised when scrolling through the pages If i have set the navbar to minimise.

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Replies (3)


You can set the sidebar minimized by default.

<ul class="px-5 py-0 m-0"> <li class="py-2">Add data-kt-app-sidebar-minimize="on" attribute on the body element. <li class="py-2">Add active class on the toggle element (id=kt_app_sidebar_toggle). <li class="py-2">Set data-kt-toggle-state="active" attribute on the toggle element (id=kt_app_sidebar_toggle).


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