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All Questions (5894)

Currently, in metronic/vue/demo1 , you need to click in the top header toolbar menu items, to show their submenu.Please add option to appear submenu on mouseover too.
We wanted to work on specific framework (i.e. vue) however, we have to fetch/pull 1.5GB repo for no reason. We have been using other themes, and all of them, had separated repositories for different framework (react, vue, html, laravel, etc..).Please, do it seriously and treat customers like t...
After opening localhost page, i see in console:, hot-reload is not working. Any ideas why?
Hello.. I would love from you to give more intention and effort to the laravel version.Adding datatables and CRUD system.That would make Metronic a template to plug and play for neewbies.Thank You
HelloI would love from you to give more intention and effort to the laravel version.Adding datatables and CRUD system.That would make Metronic a template to plug and play for neewbies.Thank You
Good evening,I am interested in Bootstrap's theme 'Good'.Before purchasing I decided to open the inspector of my browser to check the JavaScript, HTML and CSS code. And i think that it is written complex, like there the buttons for example aren't named 'btn_submit' or something else but 't' in...
Hi,On the latest update (8.0.34) the chat notification blinking green dot wandered off to the middle of the top bar. Another issue is that there is still double menu on mobile.Any suggestions?Thanks,Tamás
When we start (serve) demo1, the first page is 'sign-in'. How can we avoid that, and instead have any desired page as the main page, so sign-in was not required?
in "public\media\svg\shapes" there are several SVG files that are 350kb+ in sizes.I've checked them and they are PNG-encoded images just put in SVG format, which is outright fake thing. Please, do them in correct SVG's (so those images will be around several KB in size).
Please add support (or instructions) to use Vue project with Vite ( instead of Webpack&Vue-cli. Will be a great step ahead. (i've found tutorial too, but it is for vue-2, and might be now incorrect: )
If I call targets.html (or just html for the cards )via Ajax, the pop menu for the cards don't work. What is the .js code to reinitialize so that the pop-up menu works?
Hi Team , How to optimise performance of vue application .project is metronics8-vue-demo2,url : metrics :First Contentful Paint : 19.0 sSpeed Index : 19.0...
The demos and this site run so smoothly, including email delivery for reset password, etc. I'd like to match your hosting, framework (.net ?) , mail delivery service you use. Can you let me know what you use for these?
What hosting do you recommend for this theme? Something affordable but fast.
Hi,I'd like to have a sun and moon Icon on the header and let visitors switch btw dark and light mode easily.Any advice?Thanks
Hello,How can I have a btn on the header to change the language for users on demand? like a language dropdown or flag, etcThanks
Hello,As declared on page "" datatable bundled files should be accessible on assets/plugins/custom/datatables/ but I cannot see them.Any advice? Do I need to add them manually or on package.json?...
I'm using Mobx as state managementWhen I Refresh the page it goes back to the login page and then after checking the token with the server to log in the user then redirect to the dashboardeach time I refresh the pageMy Route return (
On Metronic7 we have access to KTDatatable.Why you removed it from Metronic8?It's a greate plugin, and much easier to use then Datatables.
Hi,On the page: is missing to change the image to dark.I believe it gets better like this:
how to show default search field in datatable,I tried this method, but it doesn't appear $('#table').dataTable({ "searching": true });
Encountered a minor issue in Metronic HTML Demo 5 where the header menu toggle button is not shown on mobile. Use the below code for a quick fix. The official fix will be arriving in the next update soon.Replace the topbar HTML code with the