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All Questions (4887)

Hello, in my country are not allowed, how can i disable all google fonts on my metronic theme (Latest Version, laravel)?
Breadcrumbs do not work on the latest version of Metronic on Angular, can anyone help? no kt_header_menu exists in the application, when I look into page-info.service.ts
I need to set the logo path from the store.I have tried to import store on core/config/DefaultLayoutConfig.ts this file but it returns the error "Uncaught ReferenceError: Cannot access '__WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__' before initialization"Please help me with above issue.Thank you!
Hi, I'm using metronic vue version 8.1.1In demo1, the example code to open modal:
I can't follow Metronic's documentation for datables implementation since I'm following Yajra's.I am trying to follow this: way I'm using datatable is per Yajra's docs:...
I have a form with an image input and want to reset the whole form along with image input.Right now the image input does not reset it stays as the one I uploaded latest.The image is not saved to DB right now.
How i can save status of aside menu navegation between pages ?Whenever you change the page it comes backUtilities > Modals > General
Hi,I've sent a support email from the email address that is linked to this acccount.The reason that I am making this post is because I got an automated reply stating that you guys may not see it or something. I also want to make sure you see it as for example, I contacted Bootstrap themes like...
It is possible to keep the visible for certain windowsI use demo1 template for laravel
Dark mode switcher is not displaying in Metronic demo 8 didn't change anything in the code:@if (theme()->isDarkModeEnabled())
How could I customise CkEditor Document to add additional plugins such as Mention as this can only be done before being built. I've also noticed a "ckeditor-document.bundle.js:6 filerepository-no-upload-adapter" when attempting to set up image uploads which makes me wonder if this also needs to be c...
Is there pre-made component for Draggable in Metronic React? I searched in demo1 of react metronic but i am not able to find anything related to this. or I have to include it manually.
Hello,I want to use metronic 8 with vue3 without typescript , is there a way to get the theme with javascript only?
Hi,I want to reuse the widgets in a v-for loop, but when i place it in a loop (i have used Widget7.vue), the dropdown (Dropdown3.vue) isn't opening. When i create it separate without using v-for it's opening.How should I open the menu dropdown?i couldn't paste my code, because i'm getting...
When buying the metronic 8 themes (60$), should I expect all the themes with different languages and framewokrs that it says it supports ? I want the vuejs version, but It would be awesome if someone could answer my question before i buy.
Hi Keenthemes,AS I Wen through this, since Metronic Version 5, and we had discussion on Version 6 and I also did for Version 7, LoL :)I thought I would just point out the post for version 7, I would not not go to write down all the infos for Metronic 8 regarding datatables RTL styles.her...
There is a styling error/bug on Laravel pagination links. How can you fix this?
menu and php pages can't use route with param and i want to make it fire when i'm editing like for example book/1/edit
Ruby on rails support still not out?It was supposed to come out two weeks ago normally we're still waiting
There are some issues on styling on Demo 13 such as rounded corners.