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All Questions (4886)

We are using Metronic demo1 theme to develop web application using angular. When we are trying to bind the data in .html file using our API’s, we are able to get the response in console but when we are binding the data to the elements in theme, the data is not binding. Help me out to overcome this i...
Hello, please help me.I created a controller, I pulled some data from the DB, when I pass the data to the view I get this error : Undefined variable $memberMembersController : public function member(Request $request){ $member = DB::table('members')->where('id', $request->query('m'...
Dear support!I am using Metronic 8.1.5 HTML theme and I would like to known if this version has the functionalities KTApp.blockPage, KTApp.unblockPage, KTApp.block and KTApp.unblock. If not, which is the equivalent for:KTApp.blockPage({ overlayColor: '#000000', state: 'primary', messag...
we build a software using Metronic vue, when we start using the built website "program" and after switching between menu items, the vue becoming freezing (not responding). we investage the issue, and we found that component (MenuComponent, ToggleComponent, ect) has been initialized, and didn...
How do we get the daterangepicker to accept no date. I just want to be able to clear it out.Thanks!
I am using the flask version of your app. I wish to get the form data from when the user registers but I am unable to get that data no matter what method I try. Can you please advise how to:1. Get data from the authentication form before it redirects to the sign-in page2. How to pass variable...
Hi,I bought Metronic theme v8.1.5. I installed Node.js v18.12.0 LTS and Yarn 1.22.19. NET SDK 6.0.9 already installed.I tried to build assets for Starterkit ASP.NET Core demo1 several times without success.Installing dependecies with - "npm install" return bunch of errors and does nothin...
Is there a safe way in Laravel to change the reference "demo1, demo2, demo3, ..." to a more professional name like "v1, v2, v3 ...". Without breaking the application?But where to change in the Metronic 8 configuration (configs, webpack, ...)?Which directories would you need to rename?Thank...
We purchased Metronic Admin Theme from Themeforest, downloaded the zip-package and looking for the "theme" folder mentioned in the documentation.> Download the latest theme source from the Marketplace.> Download and install Node.js from Nodejs. The suggested version to install is 16.x LTS.>...
i had a problem with my metronic template demo 5 i am using laravel inertia js with vue3laravel:v9.2php:v8.0.2vue:v3inertia:v0.6the scripts.bundle.js is not loaded properly it causes problem inUser Account Menu (KTMenu) not working on click or hover SideBar not...
Hi GuysI have installed the flask version of Medtronic as instructed however when I tried to run it with flask run and visit in my browser I got the error below in the terminal:WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deploy...
Hi Sean and TeamI receive an uncaught error which is traced from plugins to sign-in validator script -> KTSigninGeneral.init();Error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'classList') at plugins.bundle.js:26422:119075 at Array.forEach () at...
Hi,During development I make some mistakes. The error is normally logged to the console with component name, line and method. But I'm getting2app.2b3d77aa.js:4 Error at bc (app.2b3d77aa.js:12:5491) at Object.p [as resolve] (app.2b3d77aa.js:12:10333) at Object.T [as resolve]...
I'm unable to view any of the charts , I have included 'widgets.js' file in my page
Hello there,Why did you give up the redux build? I'm asking technically.What would you recommend instead of this build?
Following this documentaiton:DocI get an error when I try to execute the code "Cannot reinitialize DataTable". I checked the docs of DataTable saying I should either destroy() the dat...
How to open modal on create button click ?i have tried the following, but with no luckClassic ToolbarCreateModal
I use plupload to big size file upload. When I add plupload styles & scripts, its not working. No error showing console. Unable to upload anything. I user metronic demo 1, default assets, don't change the build. here is my js screenshot: h...
I would like to modify multi-steps-sign-up.html each account type takes to deferent sign up page can someone modify the JS file to me which is create-account.js Thanks
If I buy this template, will I be able to use it in my Angular project? Regards!
Hello, in my country are not allowed, how can i disable all google fonts on my metronic theme (Latest Version, laravel)?