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Metronic (4054)

Hello I'm having issues with my metronic app, I'm trying to export it with CapacitorJS to iOS and Android but.. the new phones has some notch and right now just using the browser you want to use 100% of the nav viewport but using native apps (capacitorJs) you dont want the 100% because you have issu...
Hi my Friends,I love Metronic for learning and in this Time I prever the Laravel Framework.All works very good (Compiling) I understand, that you don´t have so muchtime to compete all the different frameworks,but please start with the basic user-management, like the versions before...
How to input currency on input box?Example: input value ‘45234.34’ I want to format value to ’45,234.34’ I have to read all document about ‘Metronic 8’ and ‘RobinHerbots Inputmask’But I can’t see and when I try with example on git of Inputmask is not working with metronic https://robinhe...
form input select is too slow when i put in modal
hello i created a timeline component and another file inside assets name _timeline.scss but when i run the code timeline component not showing any styles, so what i have to do.
How can i make the sidebar permanently collapsed and get the submenus in hover over the side bar menus in metronic 8.2.2v "react". please help i am design a dashboard for my customer.
Reproduce criteria-----------------------Even still not fixed in the latest version as well [Angular metronic_v8.2.3]Go to your preview URL left Side bar click on any of the Error Component and come back again on the d...
Hi guys,Could you please advise what is the best way of working with metronic template? Should I start a new react project from scratch and link metronic assets into it? Or should I better do in-place modifications in the template itself? Thanks.Best regards,Illia
Hi,do you have an example how can I use the charts with firebase data? On Metronic Angular
I am using Starterkit Metronic Laravel 10.0 and when I try to visit root (/) it automatically redirect to login page. I want to show a landing page and open login page when user click login button. How can I do this
i just purchased a metronic theme and i am using react theme for my project, and when i run the react then on bottom left side i show a react query icon i want to change it how i can change it.
In the previous Metronic, the search input and paging selectbox were at the top, but in this version it has changed. so how can datatable be able to search for data
Currently I need to click items on sidebar to expand, I want it to expand when I hover on it
Does Metronic have a datepicker inline?I mean not in input. Datepicker which I can add on the page as a calendar grid. Metronic 8 demo1
Looking for Color Picker Input is that available in react components
Greetings,I like your solution, but i noticed the Angular version does not include all screens/components i expected to see, for starter i'm trying to find the ticket support screen but it is not included in the Angular version, should i take them from somewhere and manually add them to Angular?...
There are multiple issues with Server Side Rendering when using metronic and thats a top priority, and I would like create a new project(using Angular 17) and add the individual pieces of metronic to make it work. I'm trying to hover over the angular demo 1 magnifying glass and see the results, and...
Hi team,I'm working on Metronic Laravel 8.2.3 for my frontend.Btw, when I login FE never display "Sorry, the email or password is incorrect, please try again."It only displays:- "You have successfully logged in!"- "Sorry, looks like there are some errors detected, please try again."I...
hello, I'm having trouble opening the menu in drawer element plus. on another component I did reinitializeComponents() and it worked, but when it was in the drawer, the menu didn't appear even though I had done reinitializeComponents().is there anything i missed?here is my code snippet
Metronic demo 1how to dark-header and dark-sidebar at same time?TY
in your docs: using this search you are using some timeout (I guess for wait for user finish typing), but we have an issue that if the user will type a character just before the process will finish, his new input will not take...