Hi there,There are errors in the html. Page not found errors.Steps to reproduce:1. download the zip from Envato2. Unzip the main zip file3. Within it, unzip this metronic-v9.1.2.zip4. Within the \metronic-v9.1.2\metronic-tailwind-html\dist\html\demo10\index.html5. Click on the Metr...
Hello,I'm using FullCalendar js in metronic 8, and I have to make a resourceTimeGridDay as a view. When I add the initialView 'resourceTimeGridDay' and the headerToolbar: headerToolbar: { left: "prev,next today", center: "title", right: "dayGridMonth,timeGridWeek,resourceTimeGridD...
Hey, just bought a theme from you guys on the bootsrap themes page, no on themeforest.I bought the Start – Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard ThemeAnd trying to find a Figma template that I can use to plan our development.Here i found a Metronic figma template, not sure yet if it will contain t...
Deprecation Warning: Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0.More info and automated migrator: https://sass-lang.com/d/import ╷13 │ @import "./core/vendors/plugins/plugins"; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ src/_metronic/assets/sa...
error in plugins.bundle.js Message=TypeError: Promise constructor cannot be invoked without 'new' Source= StackTrace: at Number.Promise () at https://localhost:7118/assets/plugins/global/plugins.bundle.js:24990:89 at throwsError (https://localhost:7118/assets/plugins/globa...
Hi,Could we have a Patreon (https://www.patreon.com) icon in the KeeIcons social media set ?Thank you
Congratulations on the new update! Can I download the other demos from this update with my license? I noticed that the downloads page still only shows version 8, not the new one, and the download from ThemeForest only includes one demo.
Does it support keyboard up and down selection of resultsSimilar to GitHub's search function, press the keyboard up or down to select search results
Hello, I tried to compile your Metronic Blazor template version 8.2.9 using Webpack, and I'm encountering this error:Desktop/metronic_blazor_v8.2.9/Starterkit/_keenthemes/tools/node_modules/neo-async/async.js:2297:7)-- inner error --Error: Module build failed (from ./node_modules/sass-loader/d...
I installed it on the web server to use Laravel template for Metronic, but I got the message below, so I looked it up, but I don't think there is a demo1._auth file.View [layout.metronic.demo1._auth] not found.'KT_THEME_LAYOUT_DIR' => 'layout/metronic/demo1'What should I do?
Hi everyone,I'm working on an Angular (v18.2.11) project using Metronic v9.1.1, and I'm having trouble getting the datatable component to display correctly. I'm following the documentation here, but the styling in my application doesn't match the demo or the component overview. Specifically, the...
Hi, i have metronic Laravel starterkit,Currently all my users can register without being verified, i want to verify the existing users and subsequent users that will register.Thanks
How to change the theme of the demo1 template to demo9. There is no information in the instructions.
Hello,I'm using the HTML version. How can I manage the Datatable plugin? Can you give an example about this? I'm using the table in the demo, but I guess I can't update it because the files are bundled. I need to be able to manage many events such as the number of records per page, ajax request...
Hello, can you post an update on the 2024 road map? I'm still waiting for the Metronic 9 version for Django. I've tried Laravel, but I need Django. Before I start manually rearranging the HTML template, it would help if I knew when Metronic 9 Django will be available. We have discarded version 8.
Hello,Will new designs such as kanban and inbox come? We need these.
Hello, When we click on an end date (for example, start: 11-18-2024 and end date: 11-18-2025), the view returns to the start date. This creates a strange effect for the user.Thanks! Alexis
Hello,https://keenthemes.com/metronic/tailwind/demo6/account/home/settings-sidebarI want to use the photo upload area in this link, but I cannot post the selected value here. It gives an error that the file could not be selected. However, when I use standard input anywhere outside the libr...
Hi Support,please consider changing the marked lines below in _text.scss, because it kills Font Awesome stacking, sizing and colouring feature:
Hello,I recently purchased the Metronic template and opened the provided Figma file. However, I noticed that the Variables feature, which is typically used for theme customization seems to be missing.Could you please clarify if Variables are supported in this template? If so, I might have mi...
Hi Developers!Here I am using Metronic 8 React Version build on Vite.I am facing issue in build running locally running index.html file using live server.Its working Fine with npm run dev, npm run build, npm run preview.but when I running build locally its giving these Errors.http://12...
I downloaded the Metronic template and tried to switch the design to RTL, but I couldn’t get it to work. I’m using Bootstrap, and I noticed that the necessary RTL-specific files, such as assets/plugins/global/plugins.bundle.rtl.css and assets/css/style.bundle.rtl.css, are missing. Could you please l...