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Metronic (4772)

i work on bootstrap version of metronic , with laravelwhen i use select2 in modal body like 'create-project' it not working, filtration not working and i cant write in text box to use filteri tried it in another places , works fine but not modals ?
i have bought the metronic . i am planing to use the tailwind verision and vue 3 app.but i cant find out how to make it rtl . dos it support rtl at all ?
I bought your product imagining to download the React + Tailwind version, is it possible to download it?Reading your blog I notice that it is still in beta, it could be fine for me at the moment since I have chosen you as design driven.I await your kind reply.Kind regards,Amarildo Lena
I want to add a documentation or blog for my website how can i add. i am using react bootstrap demo-1 theme.
Hi i am trying to setup metronics for Spring,I have done the below step -> 1) Start your command line interface and change directory to starterkit/_keenthemes/ Starterkit/_keenthemes/tools2) Install dependencies with either one, yarn or npm.I have used npm - npm install...
Topbar menu wont hide when change password modal is click.Image for desktop version : Image for responsive version :
How do i change the node version of metronic 7 to either 16 or 18?when i try to change the node version either 16 or 18 and try to run npm install it throws multiple errors and the main error i am getting is for node-sass.
The Link component from react-router-dom is behaving like an anchor element. It refreshes the page and navigates me to that page. How can I fix this
Hello everyone,I'm currently playing with the new version of Metronic Tailwind and trying to integrate Filament Datatables and Filament Forms as per the documentation:, I'm encountering issues with the dark mode. It doesn't seem to...
I'm working on a web application using the Metronic admin template, and I want to optimize the dashboard for better user engagement and usability. What customization techniques or best practices have you found effective in enhancing the user experience within Metronic? I'm particularly interested in...
Hi, I followed your integration guide for Laravel, but I got errors in the browser. There are no steps to copy vendors, js and css folder into public/assests folder, only media is here, so they are missing. What I'm doing wrong?GEThttps://localhost:7890/assets/js/core.bundle.js[HTTP/1.1 40...
Hello, I have a problem using metronic 8.2.X laravel starter kit (didn't test previous versions) with "wire:navigate" Livewire v3.4.When page fully hard reloaded, all javascript works fine (menus, steppers, dropdowns, ...), but after clicking on link with "wire:navigate" this functions stop work...
Hi! I'm ușing Metronic (Angular version) and i installed PrimeNg. All good until i found ouț that primeng styles are override by bootstrap reboot css within metronic styles. How can i make PrimeNg on top of that? I tried with layers, but not working. Can you help me?Thanks în advance!
On the demo page, the icon to minimize/bring back the sidemenu changes when you toogle, but when I downloaded the demo, it doesn't seem to work as expected and can't figure out how to fix.
Please help,suddenly the form in my project that uses tinymce errored. GET net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)Failed to load model: dom from url models/dom/model.jsI also checked the document...
I bought a metronic license.I am trying to use metronic tailwind css, but i am having problems with the colors.I want to use all the colors of tailwind, how can i do that?I also want to use other tailwind utilities.For example the hover group feature like the link below, how can i do that...
Would it possible to include a tailwind "Demo" template similar to the one you use on your documentation pages as the docs look very neat and would be very useful
Do you have any plans to add a Landing Page template to the new Tailwind version? If so, do you have a rough time scale?
Hi,I see the aside menu has 2 themes, dark and light, but it's not applied:/** * Set the aside theme * @returns {string} */export const asideTheme = computed(() => { return useConfigStore().getLayoutConfig("aside.theme");});How and where can I use this?
Hello,I am using the Metronic library. I have a small screen that opens with Modal, the scrollbar is enabled on this screen and I can navigate the content with the scrollbar.When I scroll down with the mouse scroll, sometimes I go out of the Modal.I can explain this more clearly with the...
Hello!Do you have any suggestion/examples on how to connect FormValidation with the examples in Metronic9?Metronic8 use, but Metronic9 dont mention anything about it.It doesn't need to be FormValidation plugin itself, but ant other that can be added to Metronic9 Forms....
If I use the files found in the downloaded demos, everything works as expected.However, if I try using the code form the layout builder, then the layout is broken.The demo code has classes in the body tag, but the layout builder uses data attributes.Is there something that needs to be do...