Get 2024 Templates Mega Bundle!14 Bootstrap, Vue & React Templates + 3 Vector Sets
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All Questions (4888)

Good morning,To begin with, I am using the "Getting Started" (Located: to look at the base application. It has been some time and I was wanting to refresh myself; however, I've hit a snag. The first time I installed this I...
Modern web applications cannot be separated from shortcut operations, including email systems, chat systems, file systems, and enterprise systems. A right click can be added for simple takeover, unified style, and convenient operation
I'm trying to install the laravel template on my server and when I run "npm install" I have this error.Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ~/starterkit/node_modules/@yaireo/tagify/dist/tagify.min.jsI try the following steps to resolve the issue:1. Remove the `node_modules` fol...
Hi,After downloading Metronic ASP.NET Core 8.2.5 and following the instructions from Getting Started doc using yarn install and gulp --demo1 when running the project, it runs just fi...
Sorry if there is an answer on the site.How can I send form data to my php file for processing?There are no problems with MySQL.The form will be verified with data, that’s good.
Hi, once again great template for all integrationsIs there any plan to have an HTML version with standalone Typescritp classes ?I already have a webpack config, and would be great to be able to use all the app built with Typescript in standalone version, where I would need to initialize it my...
why count up on my code did not working properly, i have put plugins.bundle.js on my codethis this the part of my count up
I'm trying to use this checkbox toggle switch with Angular. I am importing individual pieces of the metronic theme, I see the styles, but when I click it, it doesnt change. What needs to be included to see the switch... you please supply us with the JS code / changes to the example code above that would allow us to feed the subtable data via API instead of the hardcoded demo data as in that example?I can't find any examples of...
Bootstrap has the following css style that covers both readonly and disabled inputs.form-control:disabled, .form-control[readonly] { background-color: #e9ecef; opacity: 1;}but metronic only implements the disabled CSS and not the readonly one, when it reall...
Hi,how you add the cookies banner con Metronic Angular?
Hi,Does the current version of Vue support the countup plugin? There are no examples in the documentation.
Is there a way for the component in angular to just re-render itself with the correct selected mode without a reload?I was following this questions it did not workI a...
Hello,I am currently trying to Invoke the api-keys.js file and run KTAccountAPIKeys.init in my Blazor File. My Component looks like this:@inject IJSRuntime JS@inject NavigationManager NavManager@code { protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender...
I'm trying to install the laravel template on my server and when I run "npm install" I have this error.pandoras@cloud502 starterkit]$ npm installnpm WARN deprecated stable@0.1.8: Modern JS already guarantees Array#sort() is a stable sort, so this library is deprecated. See the compatibil...
Hello, how are you? I wanted to know how to translate the text 'No results found' from Select2 using Metronic 8. there an example$(".js-example-language").select2({ language: "es"});
The sidebar in the The template is METRONIC8 ORIGINAL/DEMO-1, latest version, HTML Framework,DEMO-1 is not rendering in the android devices alone. Kindly guide me through the problem. Have raised the issue earlier but didnot get a reply again. It is working fine in apple devices
hi i brought metronic 8 , i have to use react version of it i unzip the demo1 and npm install now i want to customize it how to do , also i want redux to use for state management can i do that
In metronic 8 (HTML Version) in the Dashboard Default there are an "Human Resources Reports by states and ganders". How can create that? what plugin uses? it is posible to create with Canada and Mexico Map?Thanks!
Hello i want to make form on drawer on vue. My first URL is => localhost:232/clubs this url show lists club.And then when i clik edit i want to make drawer show and push the url like => localhost:232/clubs/edit/1When i refresh url => localhost:232/clubs/edit/1 how to keep drawer show.
Please, how your login Api's Work can you explain to me?