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All Questions (4887)

Hello, I ran the react demo1 application. but I get an error when logging in "The login details are incorrect"People have encountered this problem before and were asked whether there is an .env file. I do not have an .env file either. I download the original zip from both themesforest and keenthem...
Dear, After Purchasing I downloaded and started using angular, for demo 1. I have installed angular and nodejs on my machine and tried many times to run npm install but got error,metronic_angular_v8.2.5_demo1 % npm i npm ERR! code ERESOLVEnpm ERR! ERESOLVE could not resolvenpm ERR! npm E...
I create users with unique emails and correct passwords, but when I try to log in with those users I allways get the "Sorry, looks like there are some errors detected, please try again." error.I have checked emails and passwords and there is nothing wrong, but I cant log in.I can only login with...
I downloaded the zip file '' extracted then installed node_modules and run the npm run build command. It gives errors likeindex-76c9c8ca.js:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)index-f03d7f69.css:1 Fail...
When clicking anywhere on the page, an error message appears: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0') at HTMLBodyElement. (all.js:50:92234)
HelloI Use metronic in blazor server project ( .NET 8 ) But i have a lot of problems , for example NavLink does not work , when i click on links url changed but page or component not load .I worked with metronic and .net 7 very well and i just transfer all of files to new project with .NET 8 and...
I have element of lightbox but it didn't show, otherwise the lightbox open in new tab, this is my code->addColumn('gambar', function ($row) { if ($row->gambar) { $image = '
After we download the program from Themeforest. The colors in the assets\cssstyle.bundle.css file do not match the colors in the document. It causes a lot of troubles. Can it be solved?For example, in the program: --bs-primary: #009ef7;And i...
Hello!We are doing our first installation of Metronic.Using a 8 project.The CSS from metronic seems to be compatible with BS 5.2.1 but having some problems with using the BS 5.3.3 from the jrDelivr CDN.Is 5.3.3 supported and if so what it the best way to include it please?
How do I update the CSS and SASS only in vuejs demo 1 to get the keenIcons?
Hi, I'm trying to make a django form in which I want to upload a photo (Dropzone) and enter its title.I can't send the title field and the photo to my view at the same time.Could you please help me ?add.js// DropzoneJslet myDropzone = new Dropzone("#kt_dropzonejs_example_1", {...
how can i send the data from the new folder input of file manager library i have tried to send it using ajax but there is no action happen
Could you provide a lightweight Laravel starter kit with Vite as part of the release with Tailwind?It only needs to have the login / register routes, the header and the sidebar. Nothing more. Also no demo JavaScript. That would make a lot of things easier. The starter kit contains far too much t...
Hi, I'm really interested in seeing a detailed documentation on integrating Laravel with Inertia and Vue. Despite numerous discussions on this topic, there's still a lack of comprehensive resources. If you could dedicate some time to create documentation for this, I would greatly appreciate it. Alte...
We are currently building a project based on React 18 and PHP. We really like your UI. After purchase, there will be no support for the PHP backend, but there will be support for the frontend. Regarding the frontend pages, are they HTML pages or JSX source code? Also, if I want to define some compon...
i am facing issue in my aside menu of metronic theme which is, i have menu which contains sub menu options like dropdown when i click arrow button open the dropdown it stucks and not open until i refresh the page, give me the solution of this issue code:import React, {useState} from 'react'i...
Hi, I found out pos system unable to clear all current order and unable to add order, the page seem incomplete
Metronic custom style is not working. I have added @import "./assets/sass/core/vendors/plugins/toastr";but CSS is not working. When I used @import "/node_modules/ngx-toastr/toastr.css";It was working fine with the default toastr design. I also tried@import "./assets/sass/core/ven...
Hi,I want to use HTML demo 30 for my django proejct.What is the best practice to do this?Kind regards,
How to implement your metronic to the vite app? There a lot of depedencies which create problems to me to use vite instead of webpack. Is it possible to use vite?
Hello,How can I remove the toolbar header for Django? I am using the dark header layout, but when I set the following in _templates/layout/ to false or comment it out it doesn't change anything:def initDarkHeaderLayout(context): KTTheme.addHtmlAttribute('body', 'dat...
I want to implement a bottom navbar for mobile screens using Metronic. This should be stuck to teh bottom of the screen as the user scrolls. And the menu items should be icons (similar design pattern to native mobile apps like whatsapp / instagram etc). Ideally, as screen size becomes bigger than mo...