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All Questions (4888)

I want to implement a bottom navbar for mobile screens using Metronic. This should be stuck to teh bottom of the screen as the user scrolls. And the menu items should be icons (similar design pattern to native mobile apps like whatsapp / instagram etc). Ideally, as screen size becomes bigger than mo...
I am looking for the admin template so I finalized the below template. Please let me know what version of using reactjs.,Pankaj Kumar
Hi, I use Quill, but there is a warning:[Deprecation] Listener added for a synchronous 'DOMNodeInserted' DOM Mutation Event. This event type is deprecated ( and work is underway to remove it from this browser. Usage of this event listener will cau...
Hello dear devs,I hope this message finds you well. I've been exploring Angular Metronic and had a question I was hoping you could assist me with.I'm looking to implement input validation and formatting for employee worked hours in my Angular application. The input field should allow users t...
I'm facing difficulties in finding the routing declaration for Livewire within Metronic for Laravel 10. It's unclear how authentication constraints are applied to access the dashboard, as there isn't a single route used by Livewire in the web and API route files. Upon inspecting the URL calls during...
Hello,Has anyone had success integrating Metronic 8 (demo 1) on a fresh Laravel 11 project (composer create-project laravel/laravel:^11.0 laravel-vue)?I would appreciate some guidance on how you approached it (either in the form of online documentation or explanation).Thank you.
Hello,I am using the Metronic React Demo1 theme for my project. However, when there is a server issue such as a 501 error or any other issue, the API is automatically sending requests four times. I'm unsure why this is happening or which part of the code is responsible for it. I suspect that Met...
Hello. I've already worked with Metronic (an older version and Angular). I want to switch to the current version now (and it will be React). But before purchasing a license, I need to familiarize myself with the functionality. Is it possible to get a trial version?
I found that if I don't use plugins.bundle.css it will be incorrecterror image:normal image: monaco-editor 0.47.0Metronic 8.2.4
Hello Team,I have full-page laravel template and using only main page header.In main body, I am using card , but I want to keep card header sticky, so when user scrolls the page, they need to see main website header and below card header sticky, so that user can read all card body content al...
Hell We need resource based full calendarStructureProduct1 Product2 Product3 Product4 Product5Driver Name Driver NameCustomer Name Customername7PM 9PmHow can get above...
Connection could not be established with host "mailhog:1025": stream_socket_client(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo for mailhog failed: No such host is known.|how to fix it ?
I am having the following error:ReferenceError: axios is not definedI am running the demo1 from Metronic v8.2.3.I've tried call axios from browser console in the file demo1/authentication/layouts/creative/sign-in.html and have the same error.In the package.json the package i...
Hi there,Thank you for a great product!We're wanting to build a Single Page Application using Metronic. Do you have any pointers for where to start with this? We have the backend content ready, but would like some guidance on how to structure the app best, for optimal frontend performance an...
I manually deleted local storage in my browser for a test, I saw Metronic data that was stored for my purchase and some other items I assume you use for security - but since I removed them in my Chrome, I cannot get them back! I re-installed confirmed the .env file remained untouched. It looks l...
How do i verify the users email address after registration without having to require login information in laravel?
I finally able to run ASP CORE demo 1. However, whatever I click, the address changes to the link I click, but it always displays the dashboard default index page. Nothing is functional. Please help. Thank you.
After I follow all the instruction here ,I run dotnet watch. The website loads but there is no css styling at all. just texts. I tried running the csproject using visual studio but it does the same. Help!
I followed instruction in is the output that I get when running gulp --demo1. What did I do wrong? Thank you for your help.D:\COMPANIES\CV Software\Projects\iSpeak\SOLUTION\iSpeakCore\metronic_v8.2.3\metronic_asp....
Is it possible to load pages via ajax without updating the menu bar? I couldn't see that in the demos.