Hi i need add momentjs format hh.mm.ss in kdatable cell can please help me code.i need convert created_at with momentjs but i dont know how add in v-slot cell moment() {{ data.created_at }} thanks!
Hi devs,just purchased Metronic 8 and after surfing the net for a few hours I cant see anything about adding Metronic to an existing laravel 9 application. I am a month in developing and cant really afford to use the out the box demo app provided?I would have thought that there would be instru...
I can't use dark theme for HTML - Demo 1.Webpack, gulp, npm or other one? Which?Can u help me?https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo1/documentation/getting-started/dark-mode.html
I have a large datatable. I have read through documentation and tutorials on how to fetch data from ajax request. The thing is i don't want to fetch the data unless the users clicks on the page. So i want to invoke a method when user clicks on page. Can we customise onclick method on pages? Also wit...
Hi,How can send data to server as post with Yajra in laravel .. because i try send data form to server using post it's show me issue and server not receiving data form .. when using get it is work..Can please help and show me an exampleregards M.Fakira
Hi we have setup the metronic react theme demo4 and purpose of the theme was downloaded for crypto project. For my project we have installed below npm package "@solana/spl-token": "^0.2.0", "@solana/wallet-adapter-base": "^0.9.5", "@solana/wallet-adapter-react": "^0.15.4",...
Hi i would like to build a landing page similar to the one in demo1. When i download demo1 the landing page do not come together. Where could i find it to download?https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo1/landing.html this is the page i'm talking about. It doesnt come when i download dem...
when I want to have a "path" like this:account/annunci/4/editI can't get the "js" in the "config/global/pages.php" file to workmy config:'account' => array( 'annunci' => array( 'title' => 'Lista annunci', 'assets' => arr...
When I apply an inline css code to an svg as stated in the documentation it gets overridden. for example :theme()->getSvgIcon("demo1/media/icons/duotune/finance/fin010.svg", "svg-icon-success svg-icon-2 svg-icon-success"),That gets called but overwritten by the the...
After installing the demo on my local, I can not see all the menues indicated on the demo page, example:https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo1/apps/ecommerce/catalog/products.html.Any help with that? i'm buying the theme to use the tables with the sort & search features as indicated on the...
Hi ThereI have downloaded version 8.0.38 and run a yarn install and yarn serve under vue demo1.I get the default site but no index on left side and no authentication either.I then tried changing app.vue to dark mode with following change// Main demo style scss//@import "assets/sass/plu...
Specifically talking on add-product.html page, where there is Drop files here or click to upload. card it works fine it uses /ecommerce/catalog/save-product.js but if I use same card on another page with same Js. nothing happens. I changed name or created new js file still nothing
Hi,I'm using Yajra with laravel in datatable ,I facing issue with send and request data to server, Yarja only working with GET method to send data to server , I try to using POST method to send data to server but Yarja not accept that , I don't know how can query using post with Yajra to prev...