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Metronic (4059)

Where would I be able to see the versions of bundle items like jQuery or DataTables for different versions of Metronic?I would like to see from which version of Metronic the jQuery library v3.4.1 is used?
Hello Guys, is there any figma I can use to design the Metronic theme?
Hi community, does anyone can say if the Metronic 8 using React provide table pagination support?The documentation does not have many of the resources that HTML has, like table pagination.Thanks a lot!
Hiim trying to use KTBlockUI in angular demo, I executed this code but it gives me an error which the liberary is not defined?var target = document.querySelector('#blockme');var blockUI = new KTBlockUI(target);blockUI.block();
I am using the multi-select provided in the documentation for metronic 8. How to validate Multi-select option in vue with yup , i have already tried
What is the purpose of this line, is this accidental or should something from the server-side be populating this field?The demo doesn't show it but when I build the static assets I can see it from front-end in production, I want to make sure there isn't a missing class needed here.Line 11 on...
Hi,How can translate laravel menu with Metronic 8? Currently the menu is in config directory which translator class is not accessible.For example I have a translations file under resources/lang/translations.php with value 'settings' => 'Setting|Settings' and I want to use it in Menu.php under...
I'm trying to access this url: the page request is not found.Could you, please, provide me with a new url for accessing this page?
I saw this question was asked and the it throws a 404 when you go to it.Could you repost the answer to deploying Metronic to Amplify ( react version )...greatly appreciated!
I had inserted modals in to my code as per your examples.But what I find is that the close button, and discard buttons are not workingsCan you kindly guide me on the I need to initialise it somewhere?
Hi! I have a question in regards to a template I purchased from you, I deployed the template but it keeps giving me this error: "you need to enable javascript to run this app", how canI fix it?Project link:
Hello, I downloaded the last version of metronic 8.1.16 ( the html demo7 theme ).The issue is about the datatable's plugin (server-side processing) where the html div that contains the loading spinner and text, is displayed shifted to the left, and doesn't contain any message text.Some sugges...
Hi - is there a good way to pass data to for example "AddCustomerModal.vue" from CustomerListing.vue ?I want my modal to be used for not just adding records but also editing records.To edit a record, I have the Edit button for each row in the datatable which calls a function that shows the m...
The documentation for HTML Metronic 8 shows a Stepper for forms, but I can't seem to use that Stepper in the React version. I assume there is a component for the Stepper in the React version, but I cannot see that in the documentation. How do I use the HTML Stepper or a Stepper component in the Reac...
Hello,How can I open a popup inside another without hiding the first one on the Demo29 template ?I use HTML/CSS/Bootstrap/JS.Thank's in advance.Have a nice day,Lucas
Hi,I want my datatable to show at the bottom "Showing 1 to 10 of 50 entries" for example. I see its available in your non-vue examples, but I dont see a way to enable that in the vue demo 1 or 2. Is there some snippet of code you could provide that I can add it in manually?Thank you,Ch...
I want to place 4 elements in each row on this page. How can I change their size.For example ; I want T-Bone Steak,Chef's Salmon,Ramen,Chicken Breast on the same line.
I want to add tooltip on the sidebar menu. How can I add the tooltip. Can you please help me in enabling the functionality of adding tooltip.
I build the website to switch between 2 languages one LTR and the other one RTL,so please guide us in building the output with both languages (RTL and LTR)we are using Vue demo 8 and Metronic 8.1.6
How can I use search boxes in footer for column searching instead of using filter dropdown.See default example link: tried it on my own but it makes the design break.