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All Questions (4832)

I use dropdown, but it is used well on the first list screen.Why doesn't it work when I try to use it by inserting a dropdown after taking a specific action?I'm using your own wizard component, #kt_create_account_stepper.Dropdown is used inside this wizard component. data-kt.. Could it be that..."click"search.vue inside There is an attribute like thishow to this feature change with hover
In the ASGI_APPLICATION = '_keenthemes.asgi.application'usually ASGI_APPLICATION = 'appname.asgi.application'But app name is inconsistent In the installed apps section app name is given as dashboards.apps.DashboardsConfigby folder hierarchy i can consider dashboards as app...
I am using Metronic 8.2.0 and the sign-up template from demo25 (fancy one).I want to sent the input data from email and password to my php file where it’s getting checked with the database if email already exists or not. If yes the user should get a modal that he must choose another. If okay the...
After updating the data attribute "data-kt-countup-value" via jquery like so:$('#whse_edit_total_sold').attr('data-kt-countup-value', product_data.Total_Sold);we need to reinitalize the kt-countup so that the counter uses the updated data. Can you advise on how this can be accompli...
Hi! I downloaded v8.2 Asp.Net Core version and, as you know, there is already a wwwroot folder with assets inside. However, if I follow the getting started section and make 'yarn install', 'npm run build --demo1' in _keenthemes/tools folder, the content of wwwroot/assets folder changes. Lots of...
Hi There, I am trying to set the folloing layouts in my application from Fixed to FluidFooter - FluidHeader - FluidContent - FluidBut I dont want to download the template from the Layout Builder. How can I change direcly in the code.Note: Layout Builder splits the project into se...
Hello guys, I will appreciate your help regarding an issue I'm facing with the Blazor starter kit:I integrated the user-management application into the blazer demo, when I'm trying to add a user it seems that the add-user Modal is detached from the page click events.after checking in the...
Hi! I added via "yarn add typedjs" the lib.In my index.html I copied the javascript code at end: var typed = new Typed("#kt_typedjs_example_1", { strings: ["First sentence.", "Second sentence.", "Third sentense", "And some longer...
When Trying to install starter kit of Metronic laravel theme i am getting following error:TypeError: object null is not iterable (cannot read property Symbol(Symbol.iterator)) at C:\Users\Kashif\Downloads\themeforest-Y9tF6thq-metronic-responsive-admin-dashboard-template\laravel\laravel_demo1...
Hello,I downloaded newest update of keen theme, but cant find Starter KitCould you share with us?
After following all the steps. in the docs, and run the server and get into the login page.when I try to login or register, nothing happens, and it just keep reloading. using inspect/ Network , i see general.js is showing 404 for the following.
I bought Metronic years ago (24th December 2014), and now I wanna to use a sample (demo) of that. Well, I try go ahead login page (user: | pass: demo) and nothing. I got this message: "login detail is wrong..." or thing similar. What happened? Is necessary input some data, like li...
I am looking to implement a new site, with nodejs as backend and react frontend.I would like it to have everything that appears from Laravel, which has Users, Auth, Roles, Permissions.I don't know if any of them already exist implemented here, Metronic was suggested to me, I don't know it, I...
I would like to share my modal configuration with you. I thought to myself that you can integrate it automatically.Because being new to Angular, I spent hours and how to change the size of my modal.In my modale.componant.ts fileopen(options?: NgbModalOptions): Promise {...
I wondered what is the best methodology to develop based on Metronic with React. I installed the demo and it’s all working well. But I see that all components are in the _metronic folder. Is it advisable to leave them there and modify them, or is it better to create a new folder and make copies? I...
Hi Faizal,Thanks for your Time and great Support. After installing Metronic Laravel v8.2.0 (Absolutly clean, like in the Description) all looks very good and the DB run with all tables.The ENV-File is ok i use: -copy .env.example .env - and i dont set a PWDeveloper Tools:login:293 GE...
Hello,Please share figma file download metronic demo 1 in html
Hi Team!I bought Medtronic template and already in the middle of creating my website with it.Now I need an additional javascript plugin "three".I installed it via NPN and yarn. Can find it in the "node_modules" folder.From that point I am a bit lost how to integrate it in the build environ...
We bought metronic admin dashboard theme. When we open it with reactjs, for example, the folder structure in the link below is not in the file structure vs reactjs dashboard. Could you help?
Actions Menu Stop working in Customers-listing: After fetching data from API, the Actions menu stops functioning correctly, even with minimal static content. Instead of opening the menu, the action button redirects to the home page. How can I resolve this?im using Vue version