I want changed page title (this not means html title)
I used default.html templates.
class KTLayout:
# Initialize the bootstrap files and page layout
def init(context):
# Init the theme API
# Set a default layout globally. Can be set in the page level view file as well.
# See example in dashboards/views.py
"layout": KTTheme.setLayout("default.html", context),
# "layout": KTTheme.setLayout("default_header_layout.html", context),
# "layout": KTTheme.setLayout("default_mini_sidebar_layout.html", context),
# "layout": KTTheme.setLayout("default_overlay_layout.html", context),
{% extends "layout/master.html" %}
{% block layout %}
<div class="d-flex flex-column flex-root app-root" id="kt_app_root">
<div class="app-page flex-column flex-column-fluid" id="kt_app_page">
{% include "./partials/sidebar-layout/_header.html" %}
<div class="app-wrapper flex-column flex-row-fluid" id="kt_app_wrapper">
{% include "./partials/sidebar-layout/_sidebar.html" %}
<div class="app-main flex-column flex-row-fluid" id="kt_app_main">
<!--begin::Content wrapper-->
<div class="d-flex flex-column flex-column-fluid">
<div id="kt_app_content" class="app-content flex-column-fluid">
<!--begin::Content container-->
<div id="kt_app_content_container" class="app-container container-fluid">
{% block content %}
{% endblock content %}
<!--end::Content container-->
<!--end::Content wrapper-->
{% include "./partials/sidebar-layout/_footer.html" %}
<div id="kt_app_header" class="app-header">
<!--begin::Header container-->
<div class="app-container container-fluid d-flex align-items-stretch justify-content-between" id="kt_app_header_container">
<!--begin::Mobile menu toggle-->
<div class="d-flex align-items-center d-lg-none ms-n2 me-2" title="Show sidebar menu">
<div class="btn btn-icon btn-active-color-primary w-35px h-35px" id="kt_app_sidebar_mobile_toggle">{% getIcon "abstract-14" "fs-1" %}</div>
<!--end::Mobile menu toggle-->
<!--begin::Mobile logo-->
<div class="d-flex align-items-center flex-grow-1 flex-lg-grow-0">
<a href="/%22%20class=%22d-lg-none" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
<img alt="Logo" src="{% static "media/logos/default-dark.svg" %}" class="h-25px" />
<!--end::Mobile logo-->
<!--begin::Header wrapper-->
<div class="d-flex align-items-stretch justify-content-between flex-lg-grow-1" id="kt_app_header_wrapper">
{% include "./_page-title.html" %}
{% include "./header/_navbar.html" %}
<!--end::Header wrapper-->
<!--end::Header container-->
<!--begin::Page title-->
<div data-kt-swapper="true" data-kt-swapper-mode="{default: "prepend", lg: "prepend"}" data-kt-swapper-parent="{default: "#kt_app_content_container", lg: "#kt_app_header_wrapper"}" class="page-title d-flex flex-column justify-content-center flex-wrap me-3 mb-5 mb-lg-0">
<h1 class="page-heading d-flex text-gray-900 fw-bold fs-3 flex-column justify-content-center my-0">
{% block page_title_string %}{% endblock page_title_string %} - My Project
<span class="page-desc text-gray-500 fs-7 fw-semibold pt-1">
{% block page_title_description %}{% endblock page_title_description %}
<!--end::Page title-->
{% extends layout %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block title %}{% translate "Test Page" %}{% endblock %}
{% block page_title_string %}Test Page{% endblock %}
{% block page_title_description %}My project "Test Page"{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div class="card">
Hi ë¥í°íë§
It looks like there might be an issue with how you're extending your templates and defining your blocks.
In your _page-title.html, ensure that the {% block page_title_string %} and {% block page_title_description %} tags are correctly defined:
<!--begin::Page title-->
<div data-kt-swapper="true" data-kt-swapper-mode="{default: "prepend", lg: "prepend"}" data-kt-swapper-parent="{default: "#kt_app_content_container", lg: "#kt_app_header_wrapper"}" class="page-title d-flex flex-column justify-content-center flex-wrap me-3 mb-5 mb-lg-0">
<h1 class="page-heading d-flex text-gray-900 fw-bold fs-3 flex-column justify-content-center my-0">
{% block page_title_string %}Default Page Title{% endblock page_title_string %} - My Project
<span class="page-desc text-gray-500 fs-7 fw-semibold pt-1">
{% block page_title_description %}Default Page Description{% endblock page_title_description %}
<!--end::Page title-->
{% extends "default.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block title %}{% translate "Test Page" %}{% endblock %}
{% block page_title_string %}Test Page{% endblock %}
{% block page_title_description %}My project "Test Page"{% endblock %}
{% block layout %}
<!-- Your layout content here -->
{% endblock layout %}