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All Questions (5814)

Hello Team,I have the Metronic Template which I am using to create a Angular Based Project so in that I am stuck in the designing issue in Dropdown in table.In Table the data is rendering dynamically and in that one last column have button and after clicking that button the dropdown opens so...
Hello KeenThemes,I'm attempting to integrate demo16 in a laravel project.The project uses translations in different languages and I'm trying to figure out how to translate error sign-up error/configuration messages.While other template items uses __('whatever') to use translated items, i...
Does Metronic 8 has support for datatables buttons (export options: PDF, CSV, Excel) ?
I bought metronic.I am using version 8.0.35 Theme 20 with Bootstrap installation on Laravel 8.I'm trying to change the blue background-color of the hader but can't do it. Can you please help me?Thank you
Hi,Really like your work.Especially Demo 5 from Getbootstrap's keen theme. wondering if there was a dark mode for that theme, or if there was one coming down the track some time?Thanks
Hi This error appears after inactivity : have to login again to gain access.Thank you
When you will reply to my ticket - Stepper issue in HTML ticket created below? You guys are replying to all other tickets posted after me? What is the problem replying to my ticket?
Hello Team,I need below Angular 13 Theme you please make it available for us. Please let me know when its ready.
Hello,Calendar app contain a bug or error. When I'm trying to add an event using "+ Add event" button, I get only this error in my console.log:Uncaught TypeError: can't access property "hide", pa.getInstance(...) is nullClicking on a random day and closing modal make "+ add event" bu...
I'm trying to use RTL in Angular-Demo2 version, but the generated has an error that makes the project unable to runAnd when I updated the "webpack", it gave me a different error that prevented the project from working.What should I do?Another question, I want to apply rtl & ltr...
Can someone suggest that I have to study to be able to use the metronic template? I only use VBA at the moment and I would like to use the template but I don't know what languages or what I have to know to be able to use it.
Is it possible to provide Select2 and Flatpickr Vuejs Component within your template?Thanks in advance
I'm try to create tour tutorial for my App (Angular - Metronic), in that tutorial I need to Open Aside Menu automatic by code to show the user that all menu available.try using JSdocument.getElementById('kt_aside_toggle').click();but aside still not open and need operator to cli...
Hello Team,I have purchased the Metronic 8 and currently using HTML version for creating some prototypes. I have facing some issues specially with Stepper which is under Wizards. Below are my questions:1. Currently, there are 5 steps in the stepper in HTML and below that there is Back / Cont...
I am trying to show datatables in dashboard. The problem with it is it needs horizontal scrolling to see all the data from small screen or mobile devices.So in Desktop i want to show all 5-6 columns.But from mobile devices i want to show only 2 columns.Is there any way to achieve this?
Are there plans to add a tour widget/plugin?
Hello,, this component month selection via dropdown works but in good_html_v1.0.2 it doesn't work.When I click,...
I can't figure out how to combine two cells in your KTDatatable.The idea is to create a table where each row represents a person (for example). Every person (row) has 4 columns (or 4 cells of data), 2 of those cells should be able to turn into one and have a progress bar inside. Let's say it's a...
Hi,How can i download older versions of metronic theme. v5.2
Hi,I bought your Metronic 8 theme. I am using VUE verison. How Can I access this globalProperties in store modules can see what property I want to access : you.Berat
Hi, i am using React Metronic v7 ,but i want to remove your redux from it but as soon as i remove it theme stops working.Can you help me to remove it properly from theme,so i can directly land to dashboard page instead of login page.i do not want to use your login functionality and redux ,i want to...
Hi keenthemes,The 3 last line of mixed widgets looks very neat (great) in the default light version,But don't in the dark mode (look so bright) !! can you please adjust those colors in dark mode :here's the source (the last 3 lines of mixed widget) :