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Hello,I've found an issue in your demo7 Vue template using the latest 5.2.0-beta1. In short, in AsideSecondary.vue, if I programmatically add classes "active show" to the tab to default showing the correct menu when the site is loaded, and then I click another link, it does not hide the origina...
Hello!We are using the Metronic theme for a project & would like to stay as updated as possible. Right now, we are using v8.0.38, & would like to update to v8.1.1. We don't need to dynamically change from light mode to dark mode, we just want dark mode.Currently, we have a build script that pu...
is the JS version available for Vue Theme Metronic 8?Do you have a ready build for vuejs with vite ?
HelloWe want to buy a version of Metronic from you to use in our panel. But we need the version 7.1.6 of the Metronic template. Can you sell an older version to us? How can we purchase this item?
I'm using the datatables component, I removed the jquery css file from angular.json because I want to use the style presented in the preview, but it's not working. It has no css at all. Am I missing something?
I have updated the theme and seems the column sorting not working in ktdatatableI have written my issue below. Please check and let me know the solution for it.const tableHeader = ref([ { columnName: "Email", columnLabel: "email", sortEnabled: true,...
Hello,After upgrading bootstrap to 5.2.0-beta in the Vue Demo 7 template, I am getting an error everytime I click a aside menu link as shown below. Would anyone know why this is happening?bootstrap.esm.js?0a67:74 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Document': '#/dash...
Hello guys,I'm having some problems when running the "yarn serve" command in the metronic vue demo1 template, has anyone had the same problem?
I'm interested in the Start template - but are there any non-admin layout pages? I want to have a consistent look and feel between my app and its marketing website. I want to use the admin layout that you can preview at for the app, but then have a l...
Hello, Angular - Demo 1I am working on the wizard and was trying to use formGroup with Validations. Trying to use markAllasTouched or any control or form methods inside change event of the wizard which is not working fine. Can you guys please help me out in this? am I doing something w...
I have used the updated theme's ktdatatable and I want to set the current page dynamic.I have used :current-page="2" but not working and it's set 1st page by default event I have set 2 in current page parameter.Waiting for your replyThank you!
We often get error when run npm install, maybe issue happend because any required library in this template, can you prepare starter blank template for angular.
I have at the moment a big datbase with a lot of columns. I want to change this, that the results should similar like in search engine from google. Are there elements in Metronic that i can use?
$('#view').on('', function (e) { var uuid = $(e.relatedTarget).data('id'); var target = document.querySelector("#kt_block_ui_1_target"); var blockUI = new KTBlockUI(target, { message: '
hello, which browser and mobile does support metronic 7 template ? i didn't find in your legal site. Please can you write name of which browser ?
Hi,I'm using Metronic 8 React Version. I wanted to point out that the select dropdowns (category, country, width, expiration date, etc) are not responsive in the mobile view. In the desktop view it is appearing fine, but the dropdown is popping out of the screen in the mobile view. This is notic...
HiI downloaded Metronic 8 package and wanna use Laravel. Though there are lots of useful JS pre-initialized packages inside it, VueJs module is not added. How can I properly add vuejs module and use it.Thanks in advance
Hi @keenthemes. 14 Jul. you writes, redesign Lay-out will be in 1-2 weeks. But it’s not happened. When this update is come ? ( It’s important for me)Best regards
Hello, I like this software very much. I have some questions though: I would like to use datatables but I find it pretty hard to implement. I would like to include a table like in this demo: need a...
Dear support,i installed blazor version successfully but can't devel @OnChange not working on this form componenet: there any sample or guide for it?Regards
hi there,if followed the steps here gulp only generated html\demo13\dist\assets, all .HTML file and "src" folder did not generated. i tried to google but cannot find anything....
In the django template is included a Predefined function named "get_context_data".How can I pass parameters from the view to the template? should I use "context" variable? def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): # Call the base implementation first to get a context context = super()...