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Hello. Could anyone recommend a practical example or reference of using the Image input plugin with image cropping and resizing? I'm using the HTML version and coding with PHP and an example would be great to continue our development.
Hello, Im using the Laravel installation Docs for Metronic 8, and i seem to run into alot of problems, are the docs outdate?eg:[webpack-cli] Error: Cannot find module './resources/assets/demo1/js/scripts.js'Require stack:when i run the npm run dev
Hello,I would like to know if you intend to migrate from Vuex store to Pinia in the next upgrade of Metronic.Thanks
Hello, I have just acquired your template via GetBootstrap, and I started customizing it to my needs. Started off by implementing a sign up form. Everything looks peachy except that when I click on Submit, it tells me that everything went good, but it didn't save the info into my database. I have a...
Hi,I have followed the instructions to get template up and running: the solution with donet watch.Was able to get to default Dashboard but when I click any other menu item in the menu list it just reload...
Hello, we upgraded from 8.1.0 to 8.1.1 and dark mode is now not updating for child HTML elements as before.When we use the setMode command it updates the main UI but it does NOT update child elements with HTML tags. We attempt to load an HTML file inside an iFrame and that element...
I'm looking for a "blank page" to use for the base template / layout for my next laravel project - what is the best way to go about this with "Good – Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template" ?
Hi all,in Metronic: v8.0 .page-link { min-width: 2.5rem; }while in Metronic v8.1 is: .page-item .page-link { width: 2.5rem; }This causes issues with custom labels (e.g. 'Previous' instead of '
Hi,I've this error when run server error in ./src/App.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=7ba5bd90&lang=scssSyntax Error: SassError: Undefined variable. ╷142 │ values: $utilities-border-colors │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ node_modules/bootstrap/scss/_util...
Hello, am looking for the call center dashboard, is it available in vue? if not in which html demo do i get it?
at the moment is have a table with a lof columns, i want to have all informations in online line (Similar like in a search engine). I work with Metronic, last version. please see also my screenshot: can i d...
I can't get "store" information in "beforeEach" in route/index.ts file. It shows but gives "undefined"Code image Result "user" field is empty
Throwing this error when executing "npm run serve"Already implemented import { useI18n } from "vue-i18n";Module not found: Error: Package path ./index is not exported from package D:\Development\Quote-Tool\Test\demo4\node_modules\vue-i18n (see exports field in D:\Development\Quote-Tool\Tes...
Hi sir, How can I add route with parameters in menu.php? For example the declared route in web.php is Route::get('test/{id}', 'TestController@index')->name('test.index); array( 'title' => 'Test', 'path' => 'test/1', 'bullet' => '
Hello, please see issues below, I spend a lot of time testing and sharing details.1) When I print a help page half the content is missing, please make it easier to follow help on a printed paper.2) Can you please update ASP Core 6 documentation to add a new view, where are all do we make cha...
Hi all.I'm aware of the new dynamic UI theme management but there's a problem.I could decide to persist my preferred UI theme at server side (i.e. on a DB table), so that next time I sign in the application my favourite theme is automagically restored (*even* if I'm logging in from a brand new...
I got the same problem that someone else asked in this question.This combination of select2 with floating labels and multiple selects causes the label to overlap the current selected options.There is a rule in plugins....
Hello I have node version v16.16.0and npm version 8.15.1After that I tried to install demo1 in localhost run command:npm installnpm run serveBut me display this error on vsc error in ./src/layout/aside/Aside.vue?vue&type=script&lang=tsModule not found: Error: Package path ./in...
hello, We operate a supplier database and are also dependent on it to rank well on google. We have to publish new content every day, the Metronic application is suitable for this? Or is a Wordpress website with a link to the Metronic application better, for example? So build the entire business on a...
Demo: 8Version: 8.1.1 with vueWhen i run: npm run serve i get this errors:ERROR in ./src/layout/aside/Aside.vue?vue&type=script&lang=ts (./node_modules/ts-loader/index.js??clonedRuleSet-40.use[0]!./node_modules/vue-loader/dist/index.js??ruleSet[0].use[0]!./src/layout/aside/Aside.vue?vue&ty...
i am using metronic 8 laravel demo3, i try to create a new page contain a datatable list of usersi got this javascript error msg Uncaught TypeError: $(...).DataTable is not a function, despite adding datatable.bundl.js on config/page.js