Hey there,I've seen a cool graph in the HTML version that I would like to implement on my project.The small donut with the "69,700" price title:https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo1/index.htmlIs there any way I can use the current libraries to achieve this donut look?(with real...
Helllo , I am Trying to intgrate ( Vue demo 1, Metronic V 8.81 ) with laravel depending on this documentation https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/vue/docs/#/vue-laravel-integrationSo I have two issues 1. When i run any npm install command i am getting this error (11 vulnerabilities (4...
Hello,Am using the vue version of metronic 8 and would like to have step validation done when user clicks next instead of showing errors by default,How can I achieve this
hello, I'm trying to compile the theme using: yarn servebut it does not work.My node version: v16.16.0Output when running: $ vue-cli-service serve INFO Starting development server...98% after emitting CopyPlugin ERROR Failed to compile with 1 error...
Hi devs,Kindly help, do you guys any suggestions or hint so tinymce content that i already insert on database and when i show on page, the content looks different eg font-family, line height etc.Thank you,
Hi keenthemes,I followed the docto implement classic CKEditor,I init all CKEditor necesseray files in my modal template:KTApp.createInstances();KTMenu.createInstances();
Good day,We are running an asp net core MVC project and recently purchased an extended license of the Craft theme from getbootstrap.com. We are trying to use the theme but are unsure where to start given we don't use node.js, gulp, yarn or webpack.Your help would be greatly appreciated.T...
I have an issue with the KT Drawer settings for the menu within the top bar of the template.When data-kt-drawer="true", the items do not display, but if I set to false, the items display.I am not sure if it's because I brought this over from DEMO 1 into DEMO 8, but I don't see w...
Some demos are previewable, like this one, React demo 18:https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo18/utilities/search/horizontal.htmlHowever, the downloads page lists React demo 18 as "coming soon". How can I download this demo?Thanks
We purchased Metronic(version 8.1.1.) a few weeks ago. We realized that the React version of software does not have all the features shown in the HTML version. Vis-Timeline, Select2, Quick Search, Scroll, Drawer, sweet Alert etc.Kindly share the updated version for React with all the features sh...
Hello, this is react JS developer, when run project on local server or live server then don't open left sidebar dropdowns with out refreshing (reload) project
I've been trying to figure this out for a couple of hours and have concluded there is an issue here.I am compiling the Metronic for my laravel project but when the compile finishes, the result is not a complete compile. but there are also no errors.When I compile for DEMO8 - It works fine, m...
I want to make sidebars in routing in angular like below path: '', component: MollitMngComponent, children: [ { path: 'AccOvrw', component: MngAccOvrwComponent, children: [ { path: '', outlet: 'MollitSideCont',...
Hi,Do you have the estimated timeline for releasing the CRUD table component similar to the one in Metronic 7?Besides, is it going to be based on the Jquery datatables since you have incorporated that in your HTML demo.
Hello!Is it possible to find any Dropzone Vue based example/documentation? I see it's included in every Vue demo theme, but I can't find any useful example in the code base how you suggest using it.Thank you
How to disable eslint ? because error of "Component name "Content" should always be multi-word vue/multi-word-component-name" this is annoying for me. Just delete eslint on package.json or ? btw i use phpstrom and i have turned off eslint in php strom, but eslint still appears in the browser
Hello,Is there any example of adding a badge in the vue sidebar for all pages and the count will be from the API call?I saw an example in the HTML demo in Inbox > Messages menu, I want the same as that.
Support,I have used Metronic 8 demo1 with no issues when viewing the site, but when I try to view Metronic 8 demo2 I am receiving the following error. "Mixed Content: The page at 'https://localhost:7261/' was loaded over HTTPS, but attempted to connect to the insecure WebSocket endpoint 'ws://...