Hello Keen Theme, I find your theme amazing. I have a question regarding the license. If I purchase the basic license, can I use this theme to build a product like a school management system to sell it on Envato or any other marketplace? Is this allowed under the basic license? If not, what license...
Hello, I've built my app on apb.io using the LeptonX theme.My app is - app.brandtrader.comI want to install your Angular - Compatible theme.Please advise if doable, and if all components and elements are compatible. Like you have more demos in HTML 5 - Am I able to use those components e...
I would like to purchase this template: https://themes.getbootstrap.com/product/craft-bootstrap-5-admin-dashboard-theme/. Could you please tell me if a Figma file is available for it?
Hello All,I'm planning to buy this theme was researching about it need more clarification whether we get Dedicated React components and folder structure or not . Also you please share the detailed repository structure .and the link to dedicated React Preview
Hello,About the component "Team Schedule" on: https://preview.keenthemes.com/good/dashboards/online-courses.htmlIs possible to make sub itens for the tópics?Exemple:Topic: Research 60% Sub topic: Research component schedule 30% Sub topic :Research component frame 30...
Hi, is KTDatatable is included in Rider-Vue-Pro? or require to purchase separately?We tried Rider-Vue-Free but it seems that the template is a bit out of date, does pro version uses latest plugin and Vue version?
I want to purchase metronic latest theme, I previously had purchase version 7 but I am unable to find design folder inside that to get access of figma file. Can you please confirm that where it can be found?
Hello,It's not really a pre-sale question since I've just bought your templates, but I'd like to know when you plan to upgrade to react-query v4 ?(I don't know if there are lots of breaking changes with v3)Thanks :)
When I try to buy from https://themeforest.net/ they close my account. I am trying to pay with my e-mail address registered in my name and my credit card registered in my name. I can't get an answer when I ask why my account was closed. Can you help me
The theme (link below) mentions that the supported backend types include .NETcore 6. Does this entail that there are controllers already provided to work with the components or just a simple api documentation as a suggestion for the theme components.https://themes.getbootstrap.com/product/good-b...
We are building food website where we are not selling theme to end user but we are getting orders from customers and delivering food to them. We are not selling this food website to anyone, we are using as service. Is regular license fine with this scenario?
I'm looking to create a Django site that has a diagrams.net (drawio) diagram such as a flowchart. When a user clicks on one of the symbol-boxes I want:For desktop browser: a sidebar to pop-in from the right side that would contain content relating to that box. For mobile: perhaps a pop-down...