I would like to use the theme from the following link:https://preview.keenthemes.com/keen/demo1/index.htmlI would like to know if I can use it in a .Net project and if I have access to the figma files.
Hello,I'm going to update my django-keen framework to use Keen version 3.I have access to the https://github.com/KeenthemesHub/Keen.git repository but the last commit is for version 3.0.0 and I've seen the email that the current version i 3.0.6.I've been able to download (via email) the last v...
Hey,I'm migrating Keen to version 3. I noticed that when I add searchBuilder and searchPanes modules styles are missing. Configs are the minimalsdom: 'Qlfrtip' Search Panes Search Builder
I greatly admire and appreciate the free products developed by Keentheme. I also want to contribute to the open-source community. Currently, I'm working on an open-source project in the SaaS domain, which allows developers to launch their SaaS projects using Django. You can find it here: https://git...
HelloI purchased Rider HTML Pro on 11 Nov 2023 and have been investigating it. I have a very simple non profit site in mind: 2 files: one is 360,000 rows, one is 210,000 rows that end users search and export a csv file.So my main focus has been on utilising the Datatable.net plug-in. I h...
Hi, I am using the good admin template v1.1.1 (recently upgraded). In the past I had just compiled the css into one big style sheet, but that was difficult to manage. I am now using the scss partials structure, and the migration has worked really well for the most part. The bulk of the styling is pu...
HelloI have Rider HTML Pro and have particularly been investigating the datatables part. I am new to javascript and website building so I am getting very overwhelmed with how it all works. The tutorials, which are very helpful, and examples use inline data, however I would like to use my own csv...
How would I style the Keen Demo 6 active menu to look like Demo 9? The Demo 9 version has the menu item highlighted with a rounded rectangle and I want to do the same for Demo 6.
I have successfully followed steps on "https://preview.keenthemes.com/html/rider-html-pro/docs/getting-started/build/gulp" EXCEPT at step 9 url http://localhost:8080/dist/ in Google Chrome brower I get error: "Cannot GET /dist/"Other similar questions on this board suggest for other themes that...
I purchased the Good – Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template. .net.core v.1.1.1. starter kit I open the visual studio of this project. However, when I run it, whatever link I click on, it always comes to the home page, it does not go to other pages. what's the problem? How can it be fixed?https:/...
Hi,I would like some help making the craft theme work with Rails 7. I haven't been able to find much information on the internet. Is there any tutorials or guides for this?Thanks,Craig.
Hello, I recently purchased this theme assuming that It will provide multiple options for project structure but I did not read the documentation clearly, I have an already existing next js project and I want to integrate the admin side with this theme. How can I do that? Thank you.
Blazor 8 comes with a feature "Enhanced navigation" which basically intercepts navigation using anchor elements and instead of a full page load, issues a fetch request with subsequent DOM diff/patch. Blazor supports registering an event listener for that scenario which I have currently implement...