Get 2024 Templates Mega Bundle!14 Bootstrap, Vue & React Templates + 3 Vector Sets
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KeenThemes Market (122)

I bought Demo1 and downloaded it. I clicked on Layout Builder on the left menu. My page then says File Not Found. Why would that happen?
Dear Concern,Can you please mention the steps to deploy the HTML package on EC2. I have bought - Jet HTML Pro and I am able to unpack and use on local but not on any VM.Also, if I have to integrate any JS (electron), how is it going to affect.. What should be my point of change?Regards,...
I purchased Keen from the Bootstrap website.You need the Keen V2 version, but there you can only download Keen V3.Could you help me with this issue?Thanks
I bought your metronic admin panel theme from themeforest. But your download links download as demo. How can I download full versions.
I am using Keen v2.1.1 demo5 template in Laravel.The js plugins don't work and none of the icon libraries work, any solution? I attach my package.json and my webpack.mix.jsconst mix = require('laravel-mix');const rimraf = require('rimraf');const path = require('path');/*...
What is the most updated version of Keen v2, i actually have the 2.1.1 version and it comes with many errors
ERROR in ./resources/sass/app.scssModule build failed (from ./node_modules/mini-css-extract-plugin/dist/loader.js):ModuleBuildError: Module build failed (from ./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js):SassError: Expected identifier. ╷89 │ .1{ │ ^ ╵ resou...
Build log heroku:scripts.bundle.unminified.js:510: ERROR - this language feature is only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: default parameter. Use --language_in=ECMASCRIPT6 or ECMASCRIPT6_STRICT to enable ES6 features. KTDialer.createInstances = function(selector = '[data-kt-dialer="true"...
So I'm generally a backend developer, but I can get away with most things on frontend. Recently I needed to work on a project and to make my life easier I went with the Start theme you created for Bootstrap 5. Unfortunately, integrating it into the Laravel 9/Vue/Vite stack is a general pain because...
HiI've built and published my Rider Pro theme:yarn buildserve -s distWhen I go to the same root context I use for local dev I observe many errors in the devtools console and the dashboard is not displayed: is th...
HiThe Rider Pro theme does not have source mapping setup and it makes it harder to find the source file to set breakpoints for debugging.Please can you fix?ThanksBen
Dear Support,Hi How do you do, Hi my name is sigit, I newbie from keenThemes, I just want to know, is there any SOC report for all KeenThemes product ? Thank you BR,Sigit
I'm having issues with installation of the theme itself. I've followed the 'Laravel' installation tutorial to the letter, yet my final 'npm run dev' does not seem to work. Node version: v16.16.0Laravel version 9.xIt seems like this tutorial version is an older version, because it states th...
Hi!Can I check if anyone can guide me on how to minify both JS and CSS?I've have tried the steps on the documentation and the size of the js and css are still the same.Cheers,Andy
I am using Rider HTML free theme and trying to integrate in Angular but somehow some functionalities are not working like sidebar menu open, search menu open, profile menu open. I have added all styles and scripts in angular project still I am getting error
Hi,I am using Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Theme, and I want to deploy it on I add this script"start": "NODE_ENV=production cd theme/tools && yarn install && npm run build --production --demo1"I am not sure if I am right but I have no idea how to run the app in the production.I depl...
Hello,I try to use toaster with your example : opening the popup, in your example, we have a quick effect of fadein/fadeout and after, a new fadein.Do you have any idea how to remove this "yo-yo" effect at...
We bought the Keen theme 2 years ago and for a while, I was getting the updates for this theme, but I don’t receive them anymore.Today I discovered that one of the security tests failed because we use outdated jQuery in the Keen theme.How can I get the latest version of the Keen theme?Than...
Hi, We need Blazor Server compatible theme for our .NET Core project. So kindly provide the theme details , we will purchase it soon
I just bought your template and after unzipping it I noticed that it has only demo1 folder. After going to I found only 5 demo with React.I know all demos will be available on future, but we can wait.How can I get demo 14 with React ?Is there any guid...
Hi,When I run the demo page Index.html and I press F12 on Google Chrome, I got this erros:"DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for file:///C:/Users/XXXXXX/Downloads/good_html_v1.0.3-2/good_html_v1.0.3/theme/dist/assets/plugins/global/ System error: net::E...