In the Figma file, there are only pages and demos. Is there any library with separated components as: - All icons listed- Dropdowns- Buttons and it statesThanks,
Hello, I just purchased metronic 8 and built it with webpack and in the assets folder here: demo1\dist\assets\css\style.bundle.js there is this file called style.bundle.js which is being generated by webpack. Can you please let me know what is the purpose of this file and why it is being generated?...
In the webpack.config there is this method below that takes care of deleting the assets but I am not sure why it is restricted by that if condition. I mean if I run 'npm run build' I expect that the dist/asstets folder will be totally deleted first and then redone so if for instance I had some image...
Hi, I have just purchased metronic 8 and am experimenting with demo 1, I have basically, deleted the demo1\dist\assets folder, then installed the yarn dependencies and run the webpack build and noticed that any images (.png, .gif) that have been copied to the demo1\dist\assets\plugins\custom folder,...
Hello,I am facing problems while managing columns of list under /customers. The data table stops working while removing columns which I don't want.For ex: currently there are 7 columns (including checkbox and action) but I want to remove two columns, but it stops working see here: https://pr...
Hello,As it says in the manual, to change the colors or some other function of the template I used: Layout Builder. I exported the file and started making changes to the HTML. But when I enter this: class="aside aside-light aside-hoverable" data-kt-drawer="true" data-kt-drawer-name="aside" data-kt...
Hello, I have just purchased metronic 8 and am looking into the file system and webpack config to see what I need and what not.I found this piece of code in the webpack.configif (fs.existsSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules') + '/summernote/dist/font')) { options.push...
After the network request set the initial value of ref formData from onMounted method not working? It printed but step1 component input value was not changed. We are using vue3 templateHow to change input value in this situation?
Hi,I'm trying to open the Figma file but it just opens the Figma software. Should I search Metronic8 in the Community? How can I get all the components? Thanks,
Hi, since i purchase this theme, i wonder is there someone built some script out of it? i couldnt find any developer to creat my ideas but i wonder if any script around with this awsome theme. Thanks
I just purchased the 'Good – React Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template'.I followed the instruction and run `yarn install` then `yarn start`, it gives me this error:TypeScript error in good_react_v1.0.0-3/good_react_v1.0.0/theme/src/_theme/helpers/components/KTSVG.tsx(14,8):'SVG' cannot be u...
We're developing a web over Metronic8, and we are using tagify in a page, we need that the diferent matching tags appear while the user is typing.We saw in a demo that this control is able to offer this funcionality, but in our page it doesnt work.We send an example of a page with this 'not...
Hello, I have just purchased metronic 8 and going through the file system to figure out what I need and what not for my project and can't understand where the sass in the path demo1\src\sass\layout\app is being used, since for instance I can't find anywhere in the html that has the class: "app-heade...
Having tried multiple times to download your codebase and running it locally, I'm getting this error in multiple components. I can solve this issue by writing ts-ignore above, but this does not seem to be a correct way of resolving to issue. How can I fix this error?
Hello,I want to implement select with the search but I am not able to do so and not even found any example of select with search on Vue demo.// Select element
Hello,We have implemented KTDatatable and everything works fine but now we have to implement expandable datatable we have tried much with the KTDatatable but did not get success, so is there any reference or demo available for the same? because we have implemented this in the whole project and c...
Hey, great work on Metronic8. I purchased your theme and was trying to find out if you have a react component for a scheduler.I'm building a booking application, was wondering if you also sell on a per component level.
I'm following this tutorial --> I run "gulp --localhost" I can see .html files, but if I want to see any php file, it will be download ( not show ) and it's shows "Listing directory".This is my url --> http://localhost:8080/project/What am...
I just purchased a Metronics theme. The intro video instructs me to open the Layout Builder. In the left nav, I can see something called "Layout" but it's disabled.Please advise...