I'm having the above mentioned error throwing all the time when I try to make call to 'ApiService'.
Kindly advice me as It's kind of a blocker for me. Please find the snippet of the code below.
Please suggest me how to solve this problem or what I'm mising the code?
<pre>import ApiService from "@/core/services/ApiService";
setup() {
const payload = reactive({
attributes: "user,consultant",
search: "",
filter: {
callback_date_from: "",
callback_date_to: "",
callback_time_from: "",
callback_time_to: "",
status: [],
branch: [],
source: [],
assigned: [],
assigned_to: 0,
source_blank: 0,
widget_filter: "",
async function fetchSupportTickets() {
await ApiService.setHeader();
await ApiService.post("callback/get-data", payload)
.then((resource) => {
.catch((error) => {
Sorry for the late reply.
Your code looks fine.
Do you have any errors in your console?
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team
Yeah I'm still having the same errors
Please confirm is it possible to remove the typescript from the theme?
Some of our Vue components require typescript also our ts components will not work without it.
But you can disable typescript for some components by removing lang="ts" attribute from the script tag, also you still can use files with .js extention.
Could you please try to wrap your object with params property?
const payload = reactive(
params: {
//put your object properties here