Hi,I am having issue in understanding different type of attributes like `data-kt-drawer-activate`, could you provide me documentation to understand the different type of attributes and components in angular.
Hi SeanQuick question re: https://preview.keenthemes.com/html/metronic/docs/?page=forms/image-inputWhen retrieving a user's image and displaying it, I previously updated the input value with the stored location $(input).val(img.src).It appears that the Image Input class for Metronic does...
I'm trying to use the inbox app of the demo2 (but also demo1 does not work) in a mobile device, but he result is really poor. The folders menu should be not visibile on mobile but should be hidden on a side and open on request.There is a way to obtain this behaviour using the same layout?Than...
I have been trying to set up any of the themes for 2 or 3 days now. I am having no luck with any of them except for HTML5. My preferred option is this Vue Version: It seems like there are files or something missing. Can you please tell me how to fix this?...
Hi,Metronic's by default includes all its available resources within the gulp config so the bundle size of the compiled CSS/JS files. To reduce the file size of the CSS/JS bundle files follow the below steps: Open theme/tools/gulp.config.js and refer to base->global->src
Hi there,I don't know what the issue but the site is showing too small on mobile devices. Can you please look into this?https://creativenexus.site/tiger/dashboard/sign_up.html
Hello,I am using the Vue Version... I am getting the following error:What should I do?Some issues need review, and may require choosinga different dependencyPS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\metronic_v8.1.1\vue\metronic_v8.1.1_vue_demo8\demo8> npm audit fix --forcenpm WARN using...
Hello, there is no documentation for the country chart. it was there yesterday but got removed. Documentation for AMChart which has country was there now it is being removed.
We just downloaded Metronic 8.1.1 and are trying to set dark mode using the setMode API method mentioned inhttps://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo1/documentation/getting-started/dark-mode.html As seen below: KTThemeMode.setMode("dark"); However I'm getting the foll...
Hi.Is it mandatory to go through Gulp, Yarn, ... to prepare a package and finally use it? There is no ready-to-use package for classic use?Regards,Claude
I will soon be purchasing a theme to revamp my web application, but I see two major theme that I like and cannot spot the difference between this one https://keenthemes.com/products/ceres-html-pro and this one https://keenthemes.com/metronic/Thanks !
I am trying to compile laravel and vue template in version 8.1.1, but I get the following error,I follow this tutorialhttps://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/vue/docs/#/vue-laravel-integrationwebpack compiled with 152 errors and 1 warningIs there a way to do the process?ERROR in C...
I know this is not the place to askBut for a while I found the latest version of metronic for free on GitHubI know of course that it is illegal to use it, and for religious reasons I cannot use it, but the person who put it wrote that he bought it and offered it for free I don't know if I have...
Hello,I'm using the "Datatable" component and when I update it to the "table-data" prop the "Datatable" component doesn't render the new data (it doesn't change dynamically).Do you know how to solve it?Thanks,MB
Hello, have a good timeOur group has decided to buy MetronicI just had a question before buying and I would appreciate your guidanceWe need the demos figma file, is this file available with the source in the latest version?And this file includes system design and what will be available to ou...
Hello I Keep getting the following error message while trying to download the asp net core template AccessDeniedtx000000000000012531ab9-0062fb86c1-2ce37333-ams3b2ce37333-ams3b-ams3-zg02
Hey SeanI've noted that when there are checkboxes ticked, the behaviour of searching is undesirable and really a bit of a bug. There are two issues:**Issue 1: Toolbar stays in CheckBox mode when searching**Steps to Re-create: 1. in a dataTable list (rendered on client-side), check a coup...
Hi keenthemes,I choose classic editor : https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo1/documentation/editors/ckeditor/classic.html and now I wanted to add additional toolbar button to the CKEditor.I did this as seen :var KTFormsCKEditorClassic={init:function(){Cl...
Hello,We are using RTK Query for managing all data fetching logic and it serves us well. The Users management app in the theme example is using React Query for crud operations, but it would be great to have an example with RTK Query as well for CRUD.Do you have plans for this in the near fut...