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Metronic (4035)

hello, is there a structure that I can use differently instead of dropzone in file upload? Dropzone is submitting form data via ajax. I want it to be sent inside the field in the form.
Hi, I have this theme. In the quick search of this page, Can I make the search result to be come on top of the result? As an example, If I search Ana Clark on the search,...
HiI was trying to use charts pie chart, I keep getting the error “Failed to create chart: can’t acquire context from the given item” in my browser console. Other charts works expect for Pie chartPls advise on what to do to fix this. see my code belowfunction getRand...
Hi all, I am using Metronic react project . The project is working fine in the local development environment .But while i try to build (npm run build) and serve (serve -s build) the project , it is not working . I tried changing the homepage path in package.json to "/my/app" too . still its not w...
Hello/p, i'm trying to use the documentation for keen theme that you have for us. And it seems that i can't access the javascript code. How can I fix that ? Thank you in advance. I select the JavaScript tab, nothing happens. There is the following error in the console. tracking.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) Error: License expired at tracking.js:1:66159 at async Promise.all (index 0)R...
Hello,I started project from Starter Kit for Rails 7 (bundle asset with Webpack) and activate turbo rails. Everything works fine but not with the dropdown. When click any dropdown (e.g. sidebar), it won't expand the menus. I even tried to change 'DOMContentLoaded' to 'turbolinks:load' on any ass...
Can you please refer me to documentation to get the app-engage style buttons to work in Blazor?
hi is there other way to buy metronic other than themeforest? because i don't have any payment method from themeforest, thank you
Hi Keenthemes,Is there a way to achieve this :'s the website in action :'s a JS component : we got a custom County T...
Hi SeanQuick one.Tagging with multi-value select boxes - dynamic option creation (halfway down the page)Cannot get this working on Metronic. I've changed all the options I can via the js init ().select2({ yadda:yadda}), but doesn't work.Multiple and tags...
Application runs great locally but when deployed to the dev server, its not loading style sheets, etc.This is using Metronics theme. Refused to apply style from 'https://someservername/assets/plugins/custom/datatables/datatables.bundle.css' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a suppor...
Hi, I need to re create modal for "Search Users" shown in html for react template however I don't know the efficient way to do it.For reference:
The bootstrap " table-bordered " is not working in the HTML theme. Is there an other option to show this instead of hard-coding custom css?
When will you launch react new version and what do you add more features in it.....!
Hello together,I'am a little bit confused. I currently trying to start a project with metronic and laravel.I have found two different versions for laravel:laravel_applaravel_starterkit (you can download it here onder "Metronic Downloads)laravel_starterkit, i think, is mentioned lat...
Hi, can you help me, how do I create a custom menu in metronic_html_v8.1.6_demo20 - htmlWe know that in there have two elements Header Navs and Header Top, can we hide Header Nav, meaning Header Top it will be a menu not a tab?we have try it, but the style of the Header Top untidy,Than...
When will you launch updated HTML new version
I am using React Select and when we tap on an item from dropdown it also closes bootstrap menu.
I just installed Metronic React Theme and got some errors - 6 high severity vulnerabilities. I deleted node_modules, package-lock.json and webpack and did npm install but the warnings still remain. I hope somone could help to solve these problems.
Hi,I'm using Metronic 8.1.6. on ASP.NET MVC web app (not Core!). I'm trying to implement scrolltop button on page like in html demo 1, for example: metronic_html_v8.1.6_demo1/demo1/dist/account/overview.htmlI'm not able to make the scrolltop button automatically showing at the page bootom in the...
I am trying to install @nguniversal/express-engine but it is failing because it requires angular latest 15.*.* version. Metronic is still working for 14.1.0. Anybody has worked on this?