I have already installed the theme for demo1. Now, I want to replace it with demo38. Should I directly copy and paste the HTML folder after downloading it from the layout-builder, or do I need to delete the old folder of demo1 first? Could you provide more detailed steps? Thank you very much.
To install demo38 in your Laravel project, follow these steps:
Obtain the assets from demo38 by downloading them from the HTML version of Metronic, as the layout builder doesn't provide assets.
Replace the assets in your Laravel project with the ones from demo38. You can replace the CSS, JavaScript, and other assets in the appropriate folders of your Laravel project.
In your Laravel project, go to the /resources/views directory and locate the layout
folder. Rename it to a separate folder.
Create a new folder named layout
in /resources/views.
Copy the layout partials from demo38 and paste them into the newly created layout folder in your Laravel project.
For each file inside the layout folder, rename the extension from .html to .blade.php. For example, if you have index.html, rename it to index.blade.php.
Open each .blade.php file and replace any references to partials with Laravel's blade import directives. For instance,