Get 2024 Templates Mega Bundle!14 Bootstrap, Vue & React Templates + 3 Vector Sets
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All Questions (4854)

Do you guys have a widget somewhere with -Dropdown menu with multiple select option?
Hello, this link is broke, please help:
Hello,Is there any plugins that support multilingual? I want to use it in HTML template. Or I can find it for bootstrap?Any advise is welcome.Thank you!
I try to use django-allauth.It works but i want to overwrite defaults templates.So, under _templates. I created account/login.html.the path is ok for django-allauth but i have this erro :TemplateSyntaxError at /accounts/login/Invalid template name in 'extends' tag: ''. Got thi...
I don't want to use the Vue3 version.Instead I want to simply create a vue3 project form scratch and just import the theme...I tried several ways, but could get it to work.What would be the basic setup to simply have the metronic theme on an newly and clean vue3 project.Than...
in the StartDashboardPage component i tried to working just with one element Tableswidget1 but when a go to dashboard it sticks to top until i reload the page it become normal
HI, KeenThemes TeamWhen the Metronic Theme release a new version, I want to see the changes and compare between old and new version by using Git or GitHub for updating my application, but currently I could not find the way to comparing them because you put the zip files in GitHub instead of sour...
Why the On Click is Not working if the App is inactive for sometimes and also the button click once clicked it the state stays in click ui
Hi,I load page-specific javascript files as follows.protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender){ if (firstRender) { await js.InvokeAsyn...
I know that Metronic doesnt have inbuilt calendar theme in React. How to use the theme from HTML on React code?Currently my code looks like this.const CalendarPage = () => { // Define your docket details or fetch them from an API return (
Hello!Demo39 is missing images....See it
I would like to close the side menu with a custom button and not just through the div overlay
hi there,is there any way to make splash screen as loadin/progress screen while getting response from api?
Hi there,Our team are trying to include powerfull Prime-NG plugin into Metronic template.However there is seems some error thrown. We would like to know or share to us how to enable the plugin
The theme (link below) mentions that the supported backend types include .NETcore 6. Does this entail that there are controllers already provided to work with the components or just a simple api documentation as a suggestion for the theme components.
Compilation fails after using yarn start due to a sass error in bootstrap.Full error message is as follows:Failed to compile../src/_metronic/assets/sass/style.scss (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--5-oneOf-6-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss!./node_modules/resolve-url...
I have metronics 8 for Django web app. how can i tell if a user is on dark mode or light mode in html/js or Django views?
Hi, when I try to build the assets I get an error.TypeError: Class extends value # is not a constructor or null at Object. (C:\xampp\htdocs\handyshops\node_modules\npm\node_modules\tar\lib\read-entry.js:91:4) at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loade...
Hello, after downloading the Metronic V7 I tried to install it following the instructions on the page: I have an error when generating the Build assets.
I am using the good bootstrap admin template. I used to have a full style guide for the theme at, and now it has disappeared. It was really useful to be able to see the styling options available for my theme. How do I find that again?
Hello!Can you please give an example of this in Vue? perhaps expand on some other vue examples with datatables?
1. will I get all the prebuild options to import2. will I get an option to import any framework or demos?3. do we get the updates after 1 year?